19-04-2008, 03:42 PM
Genesis Source
Currently under development!
Source Information
Creator: Mozza
Website: http://www.genesis-source.com
Forum: http://www.genesis-source.com/forum
Release Date: 01/05/08 (Build 1)
Feature List
Currently under development!
1. Direct Sound & Music
Change from the old style gone with DirectX for Music & Sound. Plus this also has a feature were as if it was not compatible with your system it would reconise that and not load any MIDI files. If i recall Sound is new to to the source.
2. Optimised Surfaces
Redone this using a tutorial from Mirage (Credits to Tutorial Starter). It just stops the map from loading in the loop over and over. Gained a couple hundred FPS.
3. Added Packet Buffer & Disabled Winsock Nagling
Increases Packet Speed. Less lag on the server.
4. ServerLoop
There are no more Timers Server side. Replace with a nice Serverloop. Credits to GIAKEN/Elysium for the Original idea.
5. HardCoded Quest System *Advanced*
Well i had to make somat of my own apart from Direct Sound & Music. This quest System is easy to function and very advanced. You can set quests in the quests Editor and build up a scenario, add as many NPC into the Scene make them say things before & after quest complete, Set QuestLogs in the PlayerREC as a sort of Flag, and also Set flags and quests scenes as NPC die or even on attack. Make certan NPC say different Speechs to the scene, and also continue quests and make one big quests Thoughout the game.
6. Bainary Account
Just a little add on really, saves the players account to binary instead of a text file.
7. Map Editor
Added more layers.
Layer List:
Mask Animation
Mask 2
Mask 2 Animation
Fringe Animation
Fringe 2
Fringe 2 Animation
Credits to Mirage for Base Engine!
Currently under development!
Source Information
Creator: Mozza
Website: http://www.genesis-source.com
Forum: http://www.genesis-source.com/forum
Release Date: 01/05/08 (Build 1)
Feature List
Currently under development!
1. Direct Sound & Music
Change from the old style gone with DirectX for Music & Sound. Plus this also has a feature were as if it was not compatible with your system it would reconise that and not load any MIDI files. If i recall Sound is new to to the source.
2. Optimised Surfaces
Redone this using a tutorial from Mirage (Credits to Tutorial Starter). It just stops the map from loading in the loop over and over. Gained a couple hundred FPS.
3. Added Packet Buffer & Disabled Winsock Nagling
Increases Packet Speed. Less lag on the server.
4. ServerLoop
There are no more Timers Server side. Replace with a nice Serverloop. Credits to GIAKEN/Elysium for the Original idea.
5. HardCoded Quest System *Advanced*
Well i had to make somat of my own apart from Direct Sound & Music. This quest System is easy to function and very advanced. You can set quests in the quests Editor and build up a scenario, add as many NPC into the Scene make them say things before & after quest complete, Set QuestLogs in the PlayerREC as a sort of Flag, and also Set flags and quests scenes as NPC die or even on attack. Make certan NPC say different Speechs to the scene, and also continue quests and make one big quests Thoughout the game.
6. Bainary Account
Just a little add on really, saves the players account to binary instead of a text file.
7. Map Editor
Added more layers.
Layer List:
Mask Animation
Mask 2
Mask 2 Animation
Fringe Animation
Fringe 2
Fringe 2 Animation
Credits to Mirage for Base Engine!