Mirage Engine
Engine - Genesis Source - Printable Version

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Engine - Genesis Source - Mozza - 19-04-2008

Genesis Source
Currently under development!

Source Information
Creator: Mozza
Website: http://www.genesis-source.com
Forum: http://www.genesis-source.com/forum
Release Date: 01/05/08 (Build 1)

Feature List
Currently under development!

1. Direct Sound & Music

Change from the old style gone with DirectX for Music & Sound. Plus this also has a feature were as if it was not compatible with your system it would reconise that and not load any MIDI files. If i recall Sound is new to to the source.

2. Optimised Surfaces
Redone this using a tutorial from Mirage (Credits to Tutorial Starter). It just stops the map from loading in the loop over and over. Gained a couple hundred FPS.

3. Added Packet Buffer & Disabled Winsock Nagling
Increases Packet Speed. Less lag on the server.

4. ServerLoop
There are no more Timers Server side. Replace with a nice Serverloop. Credits to GIAKEN/Elysium for the Original idea.

5. HardCoded Quest System *Advanced*
Well i had to make somat of my own apart from Direct Sound & Music. This quest System is easy to function and very advanced. You can set quests in the quests Editor and build up a scenario, add as many NPC into the Scene make them say things before & after quest complete, Set QuestLogs in the PlayerREC as a sort of Flag, and also Set flags and quests scenes as NPC die or even on attack. Make certan NPC say different Speechs to the scene, and also continue quests and make one big quests Thoughout the game.

6. Bainary Account
Just a little add on really, saves the players account to binary instead of a text file.

7. Map Editor
Added more layers.

Layer List:
Mask Animation
Mask 2
Mask 2 Animation
Fringe Animation
Fringe 2
Fringe 2 Animation

Credits to Mirage for Base Engine!

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Stream - 21-04-2008

Sound good Smile

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mithlomion - 21-04-2008

Got any screens of the Quest Editor, or video previews Smile?

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Coke - 22-04-2008


Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mozza - 22-04-2008

Mithlomion Wrote:Got any screens of the Quest Editor, or video previews Smile?

I'll sort some out when i have time Wink.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Tony - 22-04-2008

Mozza Wrote:
Mithlomion Wrote:Got any screens of the Quest Editor, or video previews Smile?

I'll sort some out when i have time Wink.

Yet it only takes one figure to push a button on your keyboard.

Either you have nothing done or your just made of pure lazyness.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mozza - 23-04-2008

TonyNooblet Wrote:Yet it only takes one figure to push a button on your keyboard.

Either you have nothing done or your just made of pure lazyness.

No. Mirage Requires you to change all the GUI before you can release Mirage Source Engine as your own Engine. Which at the momment is not done. So i cant release Screenshots with Mirage GUI. I'm currently waiting for my GUI to get finished then i'll release Screenshots. Smile

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Stomach Pulser - 23-04-2008

There has never been a GUI req like that, and if there is then it really shouldn't matter. A screenshot isn't a real release of a game, so much as a preview.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Rezeyu - 23-04-2008

Stomach Pulser Wrote:There has never been a GUI req like that, and if there is then it really shouldn't matter. A screenshot isn't a real release of a game, so much as a preview.



MSE2 Wrote:The GUI (interface) most be changed before you release a product of some sort.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Coke - 24-04-2008

Rezeyu Wrote:
Stomach Pulser Wrote:There has never been a GUI req like that, and if there is then it really shouldn't matter. A screenshot isn't a real release of a game, so much as a preview.



MSE2 Wrote:The GUI (interface) most be changed before you release a product of some sort.

Well nobody cares, including Shan. Posting some screenshots of an open source product in its default aesthetic on that products own forums is hardly the crime of the century. Sounds like an excuse to me.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Rezeyu - 24-04-2008

I post screenshots in the default GUI.

Or you can take it of jsut the screen.

I was replying to Stomache saying there's nothing that said what I quoted. XD

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Stomach Pulser - 24-04-2008

Rules were meant to be broken! ^_-

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mozza - 24-04-2008

Thats just studid, i will follow rules no matter what, and no its not lazy at all i dont wanna show my source when its not even finished why would i want to do that? When it will look 10 times better once finished. So why would i show a source thats looks at exackly like the original? You people always look for an excuse to put people down all the time.

If you think the source will fail, dont post. Why would i spend money on a domain name and server if im gonna lie about a source & its features?

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Coke - 24-04-2008

Because your a generic person from the internets.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mithlomion - 24-04-2008

You wont brake rules posting a preview of the Quest system... even if the default GUI is in the backround.
Since your basically not releasing an finnished product using the GUI..

I just think you want excuses not to show the Quest System, and we all know why.. :O

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mozza - 24-04-2008

"Mozza posts Quest Image"

Sum1 Prick Says: "Thats bollocks, i wanna see more proof!"

So why should i post, people always give me trouble no matter what. There always summat to say back against me. Just wait and see, i'm not posting nothing more apart from a download link whens its released. You don't have to reply to this topic so why reply if you just gonna bother me or if its not even important.

I could just post an image i made and give a fake description of a Quest Editor or i could code it and release pictures. Either way you people still say the same shit.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Stomach Pulser - 24-04-2008

we are oly giving you trouble because you are making excuses up. the system sound awesome, and a screenshot won't take but 2 ~ 3 minutes to take/upload/show.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Mithlomion - 24-04-2008

Post a video preview then..

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - chaoscauser - 03-05-2008

I think your forums skin really nice work

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Hellrise - 06-05-2008

Yea i wonder where he got(stole) that one from.

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Robin - 06-05-2008

Next time you remove the copyright for your forum skin, at least be clever enough to rename the fucking directory.


Re: Engine - Genesis Source - chaoscauser - 20-05-2008

It's been down for ages now DFA :wink:

Re: Engine - Genesis Source - Ravuya - 20-05-2008

As far as I know it was never released