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Help for my game interface
Hello I did my game interface, and I need help to load images in PicPk and PicClass, in folder GFX : thank you for your help! Tongue
So when you load your picture box you need to use this code, or some variation of it. Depending on if you have more than two classes the select case is probably the best bet.

Select Case Player(MyIndex).Class
    Case 0
        picClass.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/gfx/interface/Class0.bmp")
    Case 1
        picClass.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/gfx/interface/Class1.bmp")
    Case 2
        picClass.Picture = LoadPicture(App.Path & "/gfx/interface/Class2.bmp")
End Select
I would suggest looking into using the drawing functions and blitting these instead of loading them like that.
This code don't load a picture for class2 Wink
Matt Wrote:I would suggest looking into using the drawing functions and blitting these instead of loading them like that.
I don't understand
Pix€l Wrote:I don't understand

The way the engine works, is it loads a file and stores it in a surface. Then it reads from that surface and blits the graphics to the picbox and what not.

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