Since i don't know where else i can ask this i had to put this Noobish Question here. :oops:
What IS the license for the Deloria Online Source?
I am thinking about using it but since i cant find any Infromation on it or even know if i CAN use it.
So yeah. I'm asking here. :?
-Off Topic-
While i'm on it, Is Elysium Diamond 2.0 Debugged, Debugged enough for use?
I am an Amatuer coder at Best so i cant notice Terrible code when i find one.
What the freak?
If your an amateur then why are you messing with stuff like that?
Start with Mirage, end with mirage. If you use those sources you'll probably learn
slower than starting with MS.
Use MS4 man. Stick around the forums, ask questions and add tutorials that you don't even care for. Trust me, you'll go through several manila copies of MS4 (that goes for deloria as well, but you wont get as much support for that around here) before you have something you're pleased enough with to release to the public.
Follow my advise, and you'll grasp enough vb6 to do plenty with mirage source 4
Yeah, I'm discouraging you to use either of those sources.
Simply, you don't have to make your features by yourself. Add in tutorials and try to understand
what does what, and if you don't understand, ask. If you go about those sources you'll get stuck with
a bunch of things you won't understand and you won't be able to make your own game to your likings.
I'll be honest though, I started out with Elysium and god I loved it at first but I started troubling at
how I didn't understand 95% of the code.. Then I found Mirage.. about 4 weeks after I found Elysium,
read up about the latest source which I think was 3.03 at that time and started adding in tutorial by tutorial.
Some I didn't even understand or go over (simply just copy and pasted) then I started modifying the tutorials
to my likings and got better at it. After I tried making my own things after knowing what's what.