Very interesting, can't wait to play!
Btw love how you post the updates.
TonyNooblet Wrote:Btw love how you post the updates.
It makes my eyes are hearty-like.
GIAKEN Wrote:TonyNooblet Wrote:Btw love how you post the updates.
It makes my eyes are hearty-like.
![[Image: z53784685.jpg]](
And thanks Tony
Updates:- - Stat system practically finished
Add in the player's stat window, modified some of the stats (No more agility, intuition now ), started some of the formulas
- Added new system for stat raising 
- Finished up the Bless spell (might be renamed). Bless basically increases the 4 base stats, which in turn boost most of your other stats. So, it can definitely be useful for a warrior to ask a mage for a bless before going on a quest.
- Weapon system is done The two class-specific types + the hand to hand type have been implemented to the weapon system and now work with skill points
- Armor / Shield / Helmet / Mage Clothing system all done Based on stat (Armor stat for warriors), or in the mage's case, based on nothing since their armor cannot get better. Warriors can wear mage clothing if they want, however, this will hugely penalize them with no benefit. Unless perhaps one day, special acheivement titles... 
I'm sure theres other things, I just can't remember right now xD Also, I updated the main post with some information on the two-handed weapons and the new stats  .
Updates:- - Totally removed spell editor, all traces of the old system have dissapeared

- Spells work-in with stats. Values still have to be balanced, but point is it works xD
- Mercenary stat worked out. Only works on NPCs though, to prevent players from exploiting this stat by getting exp by PKing Formula details added to main post.
- Haggling stat re-done, formula added to main post
- Added a /splitgold function, which you can use to put a certain ammount of gold in a free inventory slot. For example, typing /splitgold 100 will take 100 gold out of all your total gold and put it in an empty slot. This can be used when trading for a certain ammount of gold with players, etc. 
Today wasn't a big day, didn't have too much time
Updates:- - Worked on stats some more, implemented warrior's Attack (which increases player's damage) and Defend (which increases player's armor)
- Window locations and status (on or off) now save when you log off, so that your windows are exactly how you left them last time you were on 
Wow, I'm glad to see that you're still getting lots done. This is actually one of the few projects I'm still interested in.
JokeofWeek Wrote:- - Made it so that when you create a character, you don't have to re-login

What did you do? I could probably do it but I haven't looked through the code for it yet...lazy me.
GIAKEN Wrote:JokeofWeek Wrote:- - Made it so that when you create a character, you don't have to re-login

What did you do? I could probably do it but I haven't looked through the code for it yet...lazy me.
Just basically resent the SendChars packet + I made it add the message  It's easy  It's just cause the AlertMsg would close the socket and bring you to the main menu
So simple. XD I realised how dumb I was when I saw how simple it was. =-p
Having a WarnMsg also helps, same as AlertMsg, but doesn't exit.
So far today :]
Update:- - Base for a bank system added in
Only supports gold for now, will hopefully turn it into a full-fledged bank soon, with item storage and all
Didn't get much done today since my family celebrated thanksgiving today  (it's this monday in Canada  )
Ahh I didn't know the AlertMsg had a CloseSocket in it...that's the only problem I was having.
Updates:- - Bank system fully done
Works just like the inventory 
Updates:- - Windows such as shops and banks that operate on range from a NPC now close once you're out of range
- Pressing the F1-F4 hotkeys now uses the first item in that column of the inventory, for example, let's say you have a potion in the second row, first column and you have no item in the first row first column, pressing F1 will use that potion 
- Added Tactics stat to Warriors, which increases damage depending from what direction you attack the npc/player (increased damage from the sides and back )
- Added Rage skill to Warriors. This is similar to the mage's bless, however it can only be used on yourself. Basically, it increases your damage but lowers your armor for a duration of time based on how many points are in the skill.
- Warriors now have their own version of Mana, which is PP (Power Points ). This will be used for their Rage skill, and perhaps others to come? 
- Added a scroll item which will warp you back to the last respawn point you touched. These respawn items will have a maximum level, thus getting increasingly expensive as the max level is higher, making it a helpful way to stabilize the economy .
- Added cap to stats, the base cannot be more then 50.
- Added Focus stat to Mages. Focus increases how fast your MP regenerates. For every 3 points in here your MP will regenerate 1 extra point.
- Added in all the class specific stats to the item prefix/suffix system 
Rage Formulas
The following is added to the damage before counting in the NPC/Player's defence + the modifiers from Tactics :
((Player's Current Rage Level * 3) + 20) % of Damage.
The folowing is substracted from your defense before counting in the NPC/Player's damage + their modifiers from Tactics :
(Player's Current Rage Level + 10) % of Damage
JokeofWeek Wrote:Updates:- - Windows such as shops and banks that operate on range from a NPC now close once you're out of range
- Pressing the F1-F4 hotkeys now uses the first item in that column of the inventory, for example, let's say you have a potion in the second row, first column and you have no item in the first row first column, pressing F1 will use that potion 
- Added Tactics stat to Warriors, which increases damage depending from what direction you attack the npc/player (increased damage from the sides and back )
- Added Rage skill to Warriors. This is similar to the mage's bless, however it can only be used on yourself. Basically, it increases your damage but lowers your armor for a duration of time based on how many points are in the skill.
- Warriors now have their own version of Mana, which is PP (Power Points ). This will be used for their Rage skill, and perhaps others to come? 
- Added a scroll item which will warp you back to the last respawn point you touched. These respawn items will have a maximum level, thus getting increasingly expensive as the max level is higher, making it a helpful way to stabilize the economy .
- Added cap to stats, the base cannot be more then 50.
- Added Focus stat to Mages. Focus increases how fast your MP regenerates. For every 3 points in here your MP will regenerate 1 extra point.
- Added in all the class specific stats to the item prefix/suffix system 
Rage Formulas
The following is added to the damage before counting in the NPC/Player's defence + the modifiers from Tactics :
((Player's Current Rage Level * 3) + 20) % of Damage.
The folowing is substracted from your defense before counting in the NPC/Player's damage + their modifiers from Tactics :
(Player's Current Rage Level + 10) % of Damage
Sexy updates!
Updates:- - Started balancing out NPCs. Damage and Armor is pretty much balanced out for physical damage. Have to balance with spells

- The Mage's Area Of Effect Over Time spell range has been increased to 2 squares from the player instead of 1 
- Warrior has a new skill, 'Bash'. Bash is basically 3 consecutive strikes with power building up. The first strike being (25% of damage + Modded Bash Stat), the second being (50% of damage + Modded Bash Stat) and the third being (100% of damage + Modded Bash Stat).
Nice! For some reason I cant do tutorials...I just started VB6 and Im using MS4 but so far Iv failed every tutorial...I made a basic GUI though
Looking good Joke, any eta on a beta?
Reece Wrote:Looking good Joke, any eta on a beta?
Thanks mate  And hopefully soon, I got pretty much alchemy to do and to redo what happens when players die and then the beta is pretty much ready code-wise. Then I have to get GUIs and find a server host. Then it'll be beta time, since I'll need loads of help to balance out the stats and bug-test/lag-test ^_^
Haven't been able to get any updates in the last 3 days, been mad busy with family and stuff, but now it's finished so updates should be coming again starting tomorrow  .
Updates so far today : - - Chest system added in
Had totally forgotten about that xD
- NPCs now have up to 5 different things to stay, which is randomly decided each time Makes it more realistic then just one thing all the time
Updates:- - Guilds now have bank, where anyone in the guild can deposit money and the higher-ranking guild members can withdraw it to use to help guild members, etc. The guild members are notified via the guild chat channel when an admin withdraws gold or when a member deposits gold

- Fixed a few bugs in the source 
- Realized I had forgotten a few messages, such as invalid characters in a new character's name, that would go bring you back to the main menu instead of the character list, so I fixed that 
- Deleting a character that isn't the last character will result in proper sorting, for example, let's say you have character 1 used and character 2 used, and you delete character 1, character 2 will be moved to character 1, that way when you create a new character it will go to the proper slot
JokeofWeek Wrote:- - Deleting a character that isn't the last character will result in proper sorting, for example, let's say you have character 1 used and character 2 used, and you delete character 1, character 2 will be moved to character 2, that way when you create a new character it will go to the proper slot
Is it right?
Kraft Wrote:JokeofWeek Wrote:- - Deleting a character that isn't the last character will result in proper sorting, for example, let's say you have character 1 used and character 2 used, and you delete character 1, character 2 will be moved to character 2, that way when you create a new character it will go to the proper slot
Is it right?
Thanks for that, fixed it ^_^
Updates : - - Server converted to IOCP to handle much more players ^_^
- Finally fixed a bug server side which would make it so that whenever the server paused in IDE, after being resumed, sockets would no longer respond