27-04-2008, 10:58 PM
Again, this is mainly a tutorial for people coming from Elysium, though it does make using mirage much easier. It adds in an option to just type "/warp" instead of "/warptome" and "/warpmeto" and "/warpto" which can get really confusing and annoying. Just type "/warp" to go anywhere, to a player, to a map, or to the moon... well not really.
Search in modgamelogic forI put my code under this block of code
You can put it anywhere you want in there really... Anyway here is the code.
[code] ' Warping
If LCase$(Mid$(MyText, 1, 5)) = "/warp" Then
If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)) Then
MyText = Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)
n = Val(MyText)
' Check to make sure its a valid map #
If n > 0 And n
Search in modgamelogic for
'// Mapper Admin Commands //
' Map Editor
If LCase$(Mid$(MyText, 1, 10)) = "/mapeditor" Then
frmMirage.Width = 14175
Call SendRequestEditMap
MyText = vbNullString
frmMirage.txtMyChat.Text = vbNullString
Exit Sub
End If
[code] ' Warping
If LCase$(Mid$(MyText, 1, 5)) = "/warp" Then
If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)) Then
MyText = Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)
n = Val(MyText)
' Check to make sure its a valid map #
If n > 0 And n