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Easy Warping
Again, this is mainly a tutorial for people coming from Elysium, though it does make using mirage much easier. It adds in an option to just type "/warp" instead of "/warptome" and "/warpmeto" and "/warpto" which can get really confusing and annoying. Just type "/warp" to go anywhere, to a player, to a map, or to the moon... well not really.

Search in modgamelogic for
'// Mapper Admin Commands //
I put my code under this block of code
' Map Editor
            If LCase$(Mid$(MyText, 1, 10)) = "/mapeditor" Then
                frmMirage.Width = 14175
                Call SendRequestEditMap
                MyText = vbNullString
                frmMirage.txtMyChat.Text = vbNullString
                Exit Sub
            End If
You can put it anywhere you want in there really... Anyway here is the code.
[code] ' Warping
If LCase$(Mid$(MyText, 1, 5)) = "/warp" Then
If IsNumeric(Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)) Then
MyText = Mid$(MyText, 6, Len(MyText) - 5)
n = Val(MyText)
' Check to make sure its a valid map #
If n > 0 And n
Clever and handy, but i don't think it takes care of /warptome
Or face the direction you want and call a method of warping based on maybe double clicking on the map if you've got high enough access. Big Grin
Sonire Wrote:Clever and handy, but i don't think it takes care of /warptome
Of course it doesnt take care of /warptome... how the hell would you know if you wanted to warp to the person or warp them to you. :roll:

And no don't say put a 0 or a 1 at the end, I think two warping commands is easy enough to remember. Big Grin

As for warp(x,y,) a much easier way to do this is to make mappers able to walk over blocks and set their move speed really high. If you want me to ill make a tutorial Big Grin.
Labmonkey Wrote:
Sonire Wrote:Clever and handy, but i don't think it takes care of /warptome
Of course it doesnt take care of /warptome... how the hell would you know if you wanted to warp to the person or warp them to you. :roll:

You said it, not me:
Labmonkey Wrote:It adds in an option to just type "/warp" instead of "/warptome" and "/warpmeto" and "/warpto" which can get really confusing and annoying. Just type "/warp" to go anywhere
Silly boi Tongue

I meant that having all of those warping commands makes it confusing. Why should warpto warp me to a map, and warpmeto warp me to a player? An engine with 3 warp commands needs some work. I am going to make an admin panel next.
just get it to check on /warp if :

/warp text here is > 0 and
Instead of warpto using x,y coords. Code it so you have a command called warp and then click on the square you need to warp to. This would take care of an issues for when you warpto a map and land in the middle of the mountains. Also you won't have to figure out the coords everytime.
Quick addition. Go to the PicScreen click sub, then just do a:

If shift = true then
warprequest(x, y)
end if

Then do an access check on the server and finish the warp.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
[quote="Fox"]just get it to check on /warp if :

/warp text here is > 0 and
Haven't been following.

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