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Hey everyone Smile Well, thought it was time I'd share abit of info on my secret project, Kolosos Big Grin Now there won't be any screenshots or even a URL to be honest, because I don't have any graphics yet (will probably end up using RMXP unless I can find someone to make some Server is done)
-Full guild system (guilds are coded in, just have to add guild halls and such)

To do :
  • -Optimize DX8 to run even faster
    -An alchemy system.

Classes :
  • Warrior: The warrior is the melee class of the game. The warrior will have the choice between a few classes of weapons, some one-handed and some two-handed. The warrior might have an extra skill which you can use (although it will have a cool-down system) called Animal Instinct which will give him a temporary boost in stats in the heat of battle. The warrior will also be able to wield heavy armor.

    Mage: The mage is the magical class of the game. They will have two classes of spells, one will be slow-acting damage yet it has an area of effect while the other will be more powerful damage yet it can only hit one enemy. This will be a choice for the user as he will be required to focus more on one class of spells then the other. The mage will also have a heal spell and perhaps a buff spell.

    Lord/Lady: The Lord/Lady title will be added to your name after defeating a certain boss further on in the game. This will give you some benefits, but will more be used as an accomplishment. Some areas might require the player to be a Lord/Lady to access.

    Class Upgrade: There will be a class upgrade planned at some point in the game. I do not know if I should make it so the player is re-born as a special class (a combination of the two) or an upgraded version of their class.

Stats :
These stats are not definitive, and might be changed over time. Basically, the base stats (well, apart HP/MP) will modify most of your class-specific stats. Also, there are equipment stats. For the player to be able to wield better weapons and armor, he will have to put points in these stats. There is also job stats, which will basically be stats which can lead up to player jobs, such as becoming a trader to help players trade their items for more profit, or selling your alchemy potions. More job stats will be created hopefully, to give players even more job potentials!

Base Stats (Both class have these):
  • Hit Points - This is basically how many hitpoints you have. The more points you put into HP, the more HP you have
    Magic Points - Same as the hit points, more points you put in here the more MP (Magic points) you get.
    Strength - Strength is basically how hard you hit. This stat will modify pretty much any stat related to damage power, including the damage the player actually does. This will be much more effective to raise for Warriors as it has more of an impact on damage then Mages.
    Wisdom - Wisdom is your knowledge. For Mages, this will help deeply impact your class-specific stats. For warriors, this will slightly impact your class-specific stats.
    Technique - Technique is how well you are able to do whatever it is you are doing. This will affect all your stats.
    Intuition- This is basically your concentration. For warriors, this will slightly affect your damage, while for mages, this will heavily influence your magical damage and moderately influence your weapon damage.

Equipment Stats:
  • A stat for each type of weapon (sword, staff, etc.)
    A stat for Armor for the warrior only. This will allow the warrior to wear better armor

Class Specific Stats:
  • Still have to decide on a few...

Job Stats:
  • Haggling - Your haggling skill will affect how NPCs price things for you. This can be a very useful stat to invest in. For buying, the formula goes like this : BuyPrice * ((100 - (Haggling Mod Value / 3)) * 0.01)). For selling, it goes like this : Full Item Price * (((Haggling Mod Value \ 3) * 0.01) + 1)
    Alchemy - This will affect your alchemy skill, including the strength of your potions and the chance it will work.
    Mercenary - This stat will allow you to get extra experience per kill. The formula is applied to the experience the NPC gives you BEFORE it is lowered/highered depending on player level (the exp farming prevention system Wink). The formula goes like so : Experience * ((Mercenary Mod Value / 200) + 1 ).

Weapons :
Warrior Weapons
  • -Sword (Low/Medium Power, Fast)
    -Axe (Medium Power, Two Handed, Slow)
    -Hand to Hand (Low Power, Fastest)

Mage Weapons
  • -Knife (Low Power, Fast)
    -Staff (Medium Power, Two Handed, Medium)
    -Hand to Hand (Low Power, Fastest)

The 4 base stats will heavily influence your stats. Depending on your class, the 4 base stats will influence certain stats. Mages are recommended to go with Wisdom/Intuition while warriors are recommended to go with Strength/Technique. However, you should still invest a few points in the other stats as they can greatly help. For example, raising strength a few points can be very beneficial for a mage as this can help give you that extra bit of protection. Another example, raising intuition for warriors can give you that tad extra boost in damage that can mean the difference between killing a certain creature in Kolosos and dying.

The weapon you choose will also be very important. For warriors, if you choose a one-handed weapon, you can wield a shield in your other hand, which can be very useful for protection. However, depending on your stats, a two-handed weapon might be the way to go as the extra damage can be worth it, and you could counter the lack of defence from the shield by increasing your Strength. For mages, weilding a two-handed weapon will prevent you from wearing an item in your other hand (undecided what this is going to be called yet). This way, if you use a one-handed weapon and have a modded item for your other hand, you will benefit from those boosts instead of the damage boost from the two-handed option.

More to come ...
well done. actually completed a good bit.
Stomach Pulser Wrote:well done. actually completed a good bit.
Yeah, been workin on Kolosos for a year or so, on and off, had a long period where I didn't work on it at all but now I'm back Big Grin

What I really need now is a graphic artist, that'd be lovely xD I mean I love RMXP but I know most people don't Tongue
Update :
  • -Added in the chat channel system. Works perfect Smile Has support for admin-only channels and guild-only channels. So I removed the original broadcasting/global/admin messaging Smile Also each channel has a color, and channels can be joined and left. Planned are an Info channel, a Gossip/Chat channel, an Auction channel, a Guild channel (For your guild only though Wink ) and an Admin channel.
    -Commented out the self-adapting economy system for now. Am keeping it in source though as it is very easy to re-enable. I might re-enable once the game has an actual community with some money, because for now it is pointless
    -Finished transferring the shop system to a in-game window (not as a seperate form, actually drawn in DX8 and so) with full support of dragging and dropping (Drag item from shop to an inventory slot or double click it to buy it. Drag an item from your inventory to the shop to sell it! )

I think there is more I just can't think of it at the moment Tongue I plan to code the Safe NPC Trader tomorrow and perhaps finish up the revamped Exp system Smile
You've certainly come a long way since your comic section necro spree.

Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
[quote="Robin"]You've certainly come a long way since your comic section necro spree.

Update :
  • -Redone player spawning system when dieing/logging in. Spawn points will be located throughout the lands for you to spawn at. Just stepping on one will set this one as your spawn point
    -Added player Genders
Wow, very impressive that you kept it a secret Wink Why no screenshots? Please share some spicy pics.
William Wrote:Wow, very impressive that you kept it a secret Wink Why no screenshots? Please share some spicy pics.

Thanks Big Grin And well, I don't think screenshots would give it justice really. Like not in a cocky way or anything, just cause I havent changed from the base Mirage graphics yet xD But I'll take a screenie or two when I get home to show the windows and editors and that =]
  • -Finished more stuff on the guild system. Guild/Rank now show up in your description.
    -Redid the death system. How it works is basically, every level you get a Rescue. Now what a rescue is, next time you die, it prevents you from losing exp/items/whatever will happen when you die, and basically saves you from dying. Now, I'm not sure what will happen once you die without a rescue. I'm thinking of making it so you lose some experience or get some Death Experience, which you must work off before being able to raise your experience again. I don't think players will be losing their items when they die as I find this an annoyance in many games. Your death count / rescued count also shows up in your description.
    -Description is now read properly using he/she and her/his based on gender, instead of using a generic : "This player"

These are nothing special really, but eh :] I know, I need new tiles, it's just a little feature show off really. Yeah I know it's all purply all the windows, I haven't made a GUI and played around with it yet, and purple made font decently readable so xD

Player description + inventory (with modified item showing Wink ) + chat system :
[Image: 32zte8j.png]

First page of quest editor :
[Image: 6ek9zm.png]

NPC editor with some options showing :
[Image: fmmhyg.png]

Shop showing, although you cant see shop name and I know it looks dumb cause all the items have the same picture, but like I said, haven't touched GFX yet xD :
[Image: 33xxy5t.png]

Btw : Reason for green name is because, with the guild system, when you are creating a guild, you get to choose what color your guild member's names will be Wink I just chose green for testing purposes Smile
Update :
  • -Two handed weapons.
    -Started remaking stat system to be accommodate the system I want to implant in the game. Basically, I want the player to have about 10 stats, some Base ones which will affect others, and for skills to be considered stats as this is where Mages will make their spells stronger, but putting more skill points into it. This is also where the Warrior will be able to wield better armor and weapons Smile
    -Removed SP and Running

More to come today...
Wow nice.
Aside from the tiles, that looks awesome dude. Keep up the great work.
Thanks for the nice comments guys Big Grin I'm still working on the stat system theree, am hoping to be totally done it by tonight/tomorrow night, well, the base anyways, that way I can just add the spell stats Big Grin I really need to find some gfx though, so if, by any chance, there's a gfx artist looking for some work,
Today I didn't really work on Kolosos much as I didn't have time. I'm hoping to finish the stat system in the next hour or two if I can, and I am considering removing durability/item breaking. However, I want to keep this cause it's good to keep the economy from getting too crappy since people have to pay to get their equip fixed and such, so I don't know about that yet.

Edit :
Updated the first post to show the stat system Smile This is not fully decided, but that's basically what I'm hoping to make it look like.

Edit Edit :
Updated the first post to show the various weapons players will be able to use.
You spelt amount wrong. Everywhere xD
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:You spelt amount wrong. Everywhere xD

Aha, thanks Robin xD Never spell that one right for some reason xD

  • -Classes are pretty much hardcoded client side since all the client really needs is the Class Names, so I removed pretty the new char classes and the send classes packet Smile
    -NPC stats are now modeled like a player's stats
    -4 base stats pretty much implemented for players Smile

More to come... Smile
i wish he was releasing this thing
as an open source engine
i would so love that XD
This is awesome dude. I don't imagine you're going to release this as open source? lol.
Nah, sorry guys, this one's closed source :wink:
This is looking so awesome. :Q
JokeofWeek Wrote:Nah, sorry guys, this one's closed source :wink:

What about some Tuts as DFA said... ;D

Also tell us how to convert to DX8 because we're lazy asses. =-p
JokeofWeek Wrote:Nah, sorry guys, this one's closed source :wink:

Can I have the source? Big Grin

I want to see your way of initialising Dx8...

DFA's and mine differ... want to see if yours is similar to either.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:
JokeofWeek Wrote:Nah, sorry guys, this one's closed source :wink:

Can I have the source? Big Grin

I want to see your way of initialising Dx8...

DFA's and mine differ... want to see if yours is similar to either.

XD I'm not giving out the source xD And I'm pretty sure I used the same way as you since I used the tuts on erm, DirectX4VB and that.

DX8 is easier then you think, I used to think it was impossible. To make it easy, you basically have to forget everything you learned with DX7 Wink
JokeofWeek Wrote:
Robin Wrote:
JokeofWeek Wrote:Nah, sorry guys, this one's closed source :wink:

Can I have the source? Big Grin

I want to see your way of initialising Dx8...

DFA's and mine differ... want to see if yours is similar to either.

XD I'm not giving out the source xD And I'm pretty sure I used the same way as you since I used the tuts on erm, DirectX4VB and that.

DX8 is easier then you think, I used to think it was impossible. To make it easy, you basically have to forget everything you learned with DX7 Wink

Ah, you used it a different way then.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?

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