23-06-2007, 06:49 PM
The state of the engines game client after I'd switched all the initial features.
Game Client 0.1.0 - Link Broken
Version 0.2.0 brings the addition of visual Player Skills and Spells, plus Ring and Amulet slots.
Game Client 0.2.0 - Link Broken
Screenie showing multiple shoptrades from 0.2.0 and projectile weapons from the 0.2.5 Client.
Game Client 0.2.5 - Link Broken
The new quest system has been implemented for version 0.3.0, basic GUI right now, it will change.
Game Client 0.3.0 - Link Broken
Game Client 0.1.0 - Link Broken
Version 0.2.0 brings the addition of visual Player Skills and Spells, plus Ring and Amulet slots.
Game Client 0.2.0 - Link Broken
Screenie showing multiple shoptrades from 0.2.0 and projectile weapons from the 0.2.5 Client.
Game Client 0.2.5 - Link Broken
The new quest system has been implemented for version 0.3.0, basic GUI right now, it will change.
Game Client 0.3.0 - Link Broken