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accessing an offline account
if you only want the char number of the specific character all you would
have to do is scan the right account for the char name to see which one
matches it
this code takes the characters name and finds the right acocunt by scanning them all
if you want to find the specific char number just add in something like this
to the already present GetChar sub it would go into the spot where it calls
the load temp account
dim File as string
File = app.path & "\" & frmserver.FileList.list(frmserver.FileList.listindex)
for x = 1 to Max_Chars
    If getvar(File, "CHAR" & X, "Name") = Name then
        CharNum = X
        Exit Sub
    End If
next x

that should about do it
any more questions?

and no there is no index for this acocunt becaouse it isn't connected via a client i am sureyou could set one up for it

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