19-07-2006, 05:42 PM
Sub GetChar(ByVal Name As String)
Dim f As Long
Dim s As String, X As Long
f = FreeFile
frmServer.fileList.Path = App.Path & "\accounts"
For X = 0 To frmServer.fileList.ListCount
Open (frmServer.fileList.Path & "/" & frmServer.fileList.List(X)) For Input As #f
Do While Not EOF(f)
Input #f, s
If Trim(LCase(s)) = ("name=" & Trim(LCase(Name))) Then
Close #f
Call LoadTempAccount(frmServer.fileList.List(X))
Exit Sub
End If
Close #f
Next X
End Sub
This gives me an error on this line:
Open (frmServer.fileList.Path & "/" & frmServer.fileList.List(X)) For Input As #f
Tried this and it also fails to work:
Open (frmServer.fileList.Path & "\" & frmServer.fileList.List(X)) For Input As #f