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Update :
  • -Added in the chat channel system. Works perfect Smile Has support for admin-only channels and guild-only channels. So I removed the original broadcasting/global/admin messaging Smile Also each channel has a color, and channels can be joined and left. Planned are an Info channel, a Gossip/Chat channel, an Auction channel, a Guild channel (For your guild only though Wink ) and an Admin channel.
    -Commented out the self-adapting economy system for now. Am keeping it in source though as it is very easy to re-enable. I might re-enable once the game has an actual community with some money, because for now it is pointless
    -Finished transferring the shop system to a in-game window (not as a seperate form, actually drawn in DX8 and so) with full support of dragging and dropping (Drag item from shop to an inventory slot or double click it to buy it. Drag an item from your inventory to the shop to sell it! )

I think there is more I just can't think of it at the moment Tongue I plan to code the Safe NPC Trader tomorrow and perhaps finish up the revamped Exp system Smile

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