23-06-2006, 08:57 PM
Ok, now first of all we have:
PicScreen in FrmMirage
Pic_X = 32 pixel
Pic_Y = 32 pixel
Max_mapx = 15
Max_mapy = 11
Ok, now Max_mapX is 15, so it is 15 times Pic_X, so it means 15 times 32, cuz one tile is 32 pixel, got it?
Ok, so the same for max_mapy.
15 x 32 = 480
11 x 32 = 352
So it means the map has 15 tiles from top to bottom and 11 from left to right, its just the size of the map, not what u see. What u see is how big your picScreen is, so that’s why u can walk and walk, because the map is bigger, but u cant see all of it:
So the size of the piscreen is:
Height: 480
Width: 352
So if u put height for example 200, u just can see 200 pixel to the bottom, but the map is still bigger than u can see!
I hope this helps you!
Thank you!
PicScreen in FrmMirage
Pic_X = 32 pixel
Pic_Y = 32 pixel
Max_mapx = 15
Max_mapy = 11
Ok, now Max_mapX is 15, so it is 15 times Pic_X, so it means 15 times 32, cuz one tile is 32 pixel, got it?
Ok, so the same for max_mapy.
15 x 32 = 480
11 x 32 = 352
So it means the map has 15 tiles from top to bottom and 11 from left to right, its just the size of the map, not what u see. What u see is how big your picScreen is, so that’s why u can walk and walk, because the map is bigger, but u cant see all of it:
So the size of the piscreen is:
Height: 480
Width: 352
So if u put height for example 200, u just can see 200 pixel to the bottom, but the map is still bigger than u can see!
I hope this helps you!
Thank you!