Mirage Engine
Make player screen bigger - Printable Version

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- Dragoons Master - 23-06-2006

Increase picScreen's size and change this 2 variables:
Public Const MAX_MAPX = 18
Public Const MAX_MAPY = 12

Change them server and client side.

- Belier13 - 23-06-2006

check on a warp tiles the max X/Y

remember that it starts from 0, it's like 0-1-2-3 etc..

so when you make picscreen, calculate (Max X + 1 ) * 32 and same for Max Y

- Tosuxo - 23-06-2006

bryceisgod Wrote:What do you think Playerworlds size would be?

MAX_MAPX = fullofbugs
MAX_MAPY = badprogrammer

(note: that was aimed at playerworlds not you Tongue)

just make it like... 18 * 16 or something, then change all the crap like warp scroll bar values so they go with the new max_mapX and Y etc

- Matt - 23-06-2006

You know PW was originally programmed by Shann, right? Also, what Kael HAS added into it, isn't that bad. He's not a bad programmer, he's just slow at it.

And I do think PW's map size is the same as a default mse size.

- Tosuxo - 23-06-2006

Advocate Wrote:You know PW was originally programmed by Shann, right? Also, what Kael HAS added into it, isn't that bad. He's not a bad programmer, he's just slow at it.

And I do think PW's map size is the same as a default mse size.

but shann didn't fill it with bugs etc Wink

- Matt - 23-06-2006

He built it using an original ms 3.0.3 source, which is full of bugs. Alot of which are in PW, it's not that Kael filled it with bugs, it's just that he hasn't weeded all the bugs out. I'm sure w/e you're working on is not 100% bug free.

- Tosuxo - 23-06-2006

Advocate Wrote:He built it using an original ms 3.0.3 source, which is full of bugs. Alot of which are in PW, it's not that Kael filled it with bugs, it's just that he hasn't weeded all the bugs out. I'm sure w/e you're working on is not 100% bug free.

up to now, there hasn't been a single bug... i fixed every single one that was given to me (a whole 2 in a pretty much conversion of Mirage Source), and they were both like little typo's Tongue

- Matt - 23-06-2006

Eh, there are alot of bugs in MSE, maybe not as much as 303, but I'm sure there are still bugs, not everything runs perfect.

- Tosuxo - 23-06-2006

Advocate Wrote:Eh, there are alot of bugs in MSE, maybe not as much as 303, but I'm sure there are still bugs, not everything runs perfect.

yeh, a hell of a lot less bugs, that's why I stuck with 3.0.3 instead of moving to MSE, and to stop the hassle of re-doing stuff lol

but anyway, back on topic i think now Tongue

- Gilgamesch - 23-06-2006

Ok, now first of all we have:

PicScreen in FrmMirage
Pic_X = 32 pixel
Pic_Y = 32 pixel
Max_mapx = 15
Max_mapy = 11

Ok, now Max_mapX is 15, so it is 15 times Pic_X, so it means 15 times 32, cuz one tile is 32 pixel, got it?

Ok, so the same for max_mapy.


15 x 32 = 480
11 x 32 = 352

So it means the map has 15 tiles from top to bottom and 11 from left to right, its just the size of the map, not what u see. What u see is how big your picScreen is, so that’s why u can walk and walk, because the map is bigger, but u cant see all of it:

So the size of the piscreen is:
Height: 480
Width: 352

So if u put height for example 200, u just can see 200 pixel to the bottom, but the map is still bigger than u can see!

I hope this helps you!

Thank you!

- Robin - 24-06-2006

Yer, im pretty sure that he simply wanted to make the max_mapx and max_mapy bigger...

- Tosuxo - 24-06-2006

Kite Wrote:Yer, im pretty sure that he simply wanted to make the max_mapx and max_mapy bigger...

well duh, but if he makes them bigger then he has to change the size of the picScreen thing?