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Simply 16x16
Since there isn't tutorial on this, I'm going to go over 16 by 16 Sprites and Tiles. This is very simple! Lets start.

Client Side

Public Const PIC_X = 32
Public Const PIC_Y = 32

Replace the 32's with 16's
Public Const PIC_X = 16
Public Const PIC_Y = 16

Now lets open up your calculator and go to frmMirage.
(Calculator)Divide the picScreen's width by 16 then - 1. Do the same
with height.

Now Find:
Public Const MAX_MAPX =

Change the # to the divided width - 1

Now do the same with max_mapy =
but make sure its the divided height - 1.

Do the same with SERVER!

Once your done with that go to both server and client
maps and delete all maps.

:: Pando
say i wanted only 16x16 tiles and 32x32 sprites. could i do it like: Make a new constant called TileX and TileY. and change all the picx and picy that have to do with tiles to tilex and tiley? Im sitll a newbie and i wana get pointed in the right direction
Quake Wrote:say i wanted only 16x16 tiles and 32x32 sprites. could i do it like: Make a new constant called TileX and TileY. and change all the picx and picy that have to do with tiles to tilex and tiley? Im sitll a newbie and i wana get pointed in the right direction

look at the code for 32 x 64 ... df514e9fa4
If I remember correctly, by JUST changing those two variables, you aren't done changing the source.

You have to fix up the map editor because now it won't be working properly.
Yeah if you change the tiles as well you will have to change the map editor... you can always view my pokemon game source I released to see how to do it
God-Sent-Death Wrote:If I remember correctly, by JUST changing those two variables, you aren't done changing the source.

You have to fix up the map editor because now it won't be working properly.

And if you are using elysium, you will need to do a quick search for '32' and any of it's multiples (16, 8, etc.)

Because someone decided not to use 'picX' *stares*
well since i have switched to 32x32 and back to 16x16 about 500 thousand times today, i will finish this for u =P

Easy peasy, just search for 7 and replace anything that has something to do with the mapeditors or tiles with the number 14. Then search for 'blocked' untill you come to a chunk of code about the attributes, change the + 8 or whatever it is on each of those lines to +1.

Tada =P
Thanks fox im testing this now ill write back when i've got it running!

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