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noob issue: Paperdoll
I followed this tutorial
Everything is copy/pasted where it should be, but I'm not sure how to use it, can someone tell me how it works?
Do you have a paper doll tile set?
Yes, but what should it be called? paperdoll.bmp?
Prolly items.bmp.

Right Tongue is it okay if I begin with PD? It's the first feature I install in th engine and I don't know anything about vb6 :?
The system just uses your basic item system. It pulls the very first image as the image to blit when you drop it and in your inventory (if you have vis inv). When it blits to the player, it uses the item sheet like a sprite sheet.

I'm all for paperdoll, but not really on 2D games. It just looks odd. But anyways, if your game gets popular, that could become quite a bit to blit to the screen at once.

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