09-05-2007, 06:15 PM
Ok I found this tutorial for programming a quest system on a MS based forum, can't remember the name and it went out of buisness so anyway. This is server side.
It highlights the Quests of this part and says sub or function not defined, no matter what I do, including creating another quest sub with all the needed info in it; any idea's?
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Request a quest packet ::
' :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
If Left(LCase(Parse(0)), 12) = "requestquest" Then
If Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).CurrentQuest > 0 Then
Select Case Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).QuestStatus
Case Is = 1
Call SendDataTo(index, "questmsg" & SEP_CHAR & procQuestMsg(index, Quests(Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).CurrentQuest).StartQuestMsg) & END_CHAR)
Case Is = 2
Debug.Print Quests(Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).CurrentQuest).GetItemQuestMsg
Call SendDataTo(index, "questmsg" & SEP_CHAR & procQuestMsg(index, Quests(Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).CurrentQuest).GetItemQuestMsg) & END_CHAR)
Case Is = 3
Call SendDataTo(index, "questmsg" & SEP_CHAR & procQuestMsg(index, Quests(Player(index).Char(Player(index).CharNum).CurrentQuest).FinishQuestMessage) & END_CHAR)
Case Else
Call PlayerMsg(index, "You have no quest", White)
End Select
Call SendDataTo(index, "questmsg" & SEP_CHAR & "You currently have no quest" & END_CHAR)
End If
End If
It highlights the Quests of
(index, Quests(Player(index).Char(Player