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Mirage Classic awakens
Thanks for my code...
  • Npcs - The max amount per map varies depending on the size of the map
  • Npcs - Spawn Areas
  • When creating characters / accounts you will now receive messages.
  • When creating an account / character you will not have to log back in.

Please test all features as much as you can. Make sure to report all bugs you find.
MRs has come a long way. The new features have added greatly to the game play. I liked it before and I like it even better now. They still use my worm and blob!!!! :-)
Strength : +HP ++Damage
Dexterity : +Damage ++Crit
Vitality : ++HP ++Protection
Intelligence : +MP ++MagicDamage +MagicProtection
Wisdom : ++MP +MagicDamage +MagicProtection
  • All new calculations.
  • New sprites.
  • New emoticons.
  • Fix on creating accounts and characters.
  • No longer have to login again after creating a character.
  • Damage ranges on npc attack.
  • Able to set npcs spawn direction.
  • Npcs become tagged on a succesful hit. This means that even if someone kill steals, the owner of the npc will get the exp. Once you attack the Npc, you have 10 seconds to attack again or the npc becomes untagged.
  • Direct Damage spells can now be up to 5000 instead of 255.
  • Max Level of 100
  • 12 Trade Slots instead of 8.
  • Added in Threat system. Classes have a base threat modifier. The amount of damage they do translate into threat. The more threat you have on a npc, the more likely it will attack you.

A preview of what's in the next update...

The download should be ready by tomorrow night. We are going through and updating everything for the new stats.
-Added in Threat system. Classes have a base threat modifier. The amount of damage they do translate into threat. The more threat you have on a npc, the more likely it will attack you.

I like the sound of the Threat system. Quite interesting to see that in play.

-Npcs become tagged on a succesful hit. This means that even if someone kill steals, the owner of the npc will get the exp. Once you attack the Npc, you have 10 seconds to attack again or the npc becomes untagged.

That's good. But does that mean if PLAYER 1 were to attack an NPC and PLAYER 2 was to kill it, then PLAYER 1 would get the EXP. Does the Tag reset if you leave the map. I can imagine just running into a kill zone and hitting all NPCs once then hiding and letting other people kill them during busy times.
Quote:Once you attack the Npc, you have 10 seconds to attack again or the npc becomes untagged.

So you can't run around just tagging everything.
It should probably be about 5 minutes...and you should do something that splits the experience or something among all the attackers evenly.
5 Minutes!? What for?
And shared experience sounds good. But then it could bring up the issue of KS'rs. And the original attacker would get less then normal.
Although something that holds variable for damage dealt to npc so that person who has attacked it more gets the most exp could be handy.
I like the idea of tagging NPCs. I'd probably do something similar for dropped items. Although I think I did see that before.
Oops I meant 5 seconds. Hahah Big Grin
I think 10 seconds is better. It allows casters a little bit of room for mistakes.
You have a time restraint on spells? What is the time restraint on them? or does it change depending on how powerfull the spell is?
I've added in spell casting times and cooldowns on the spells. Each spell is unique. There are buffs, over time spells, and direct spells.
  • Hotbar has been implemented.
  • You no longer have to have the Abilities window open to cast spells.
  • When you attack a npc, you automatically target it.
  • Optimizations server side.

Quote:Death System:
When you die you will have 30 minutes to release or be revived.
Release: 10% exp lost, 20% to drop each piece of equipment.
Revived: 5% exp lost.

Some more updates.
sweetness illhave to download it when i get back to my computer (on my ps3 now) cant wait to see the death system in action

The client is now up for download. Please test all new features.
Our site is down.

Fox said he'll get it 'sorted' when he gets home.
When are you programming in that new GUI?
We have an announcement to make when the site is back up :3
Yes, that's right everybody...I now own Mirage Realms.
Will Mirage Realms be coming out soon??????

Ive never played it before but it looks TOTALLY WICKED!!!!!!!! >.<
Id be fine with just like, the last beta test version coming out, just for until your all done with the engine...
MR went open source. There is no longer a game.
Matt Wrote:MR went open source. There is no longer a game.
... don't make me cry

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