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'Mirage Realms'
Well ever since i broke the server irreprably i dunno what to do Cry.

Ideas ideas ideasssss
Two Options.
Or just spend more time with your friends =p. I chose the second option.
My social lifes plenty atm thanks =P

Aff i so cba to make a game ~.~

Infact thats not true, i am just pissed off my game is like unfixable and i have to start again; only so many times you can start a brand-new-project before you die in rl of pissed offness >.>;
You sure the server is unrepairable?
Well i have spent about 7 hours looking at it, william has looked all through it, none of us can find out wtf is wrong :/

p.s. was bored so made a tribute; i think this GUI would be fantastic as it would sum up mirage and playerworlds straight away to any of us lot that have been around a long time

[Image: mirage-realms.png]
I love your guis dude. Think you could whip up a couple for me? not for midgard, but for something else. I saw that you posted all the old ones of yours for other people to use, but I'd like something...exclusive. (only for me Tongue )

Also, when I get home from work, let me take a look at your server.
well if you pick out one of the GUI's that you like i am sure i can do something with it :]

I wouldnt bother, i love the idea of having a little game and all but i am just not cut out for programming i think. I can deal with alot and have came a very long way; but this whole server thing has really nocked the wind out of my sails Cry
Sonire Wrote:You sure the server is unrepairable?
I can't seem to find out what the fuck is wrong with the npcs. Everything seems to be correct, but for some weird reason it aint. I'll look some more into it cause I feel like a pure noob when a bug that sounds simple cant be fixed..
What is wrong with the npcs? What do they (or don't they) do that they shouldn't or (should) do?
Well basicly it doesnt reach the spawnnpc sub.. Cuse the line that checks if there is a npc, well this code:

if npcnum>0 then

Its always below 0. And still it should not be. Cause everything else is correctly done.
Have you tried getting two players on a map and respawning?
Didn't make any difference.
Damn, was hoping it was an old bug. I'd be glad to take a look at it though if you're up for it Fox.
Dont worry about it i have given up with making anything for now :?

Though since i am now excutiatingly bored look at my 'bored' thread. xP
Oh and someone said something about fonts...

Me :]
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
PM, email, or otherwise get me your source. I'm sure I can fix it. I just spent a week on a bug just like this, but with walking left on a map and it not actually walking left (server side).

I'll be more than happy to take a look at it. I'm not really doing anything at the moment.

Don't bother telling me not to bother, I need something to do. ^_^
Well i am 'starting again' - trading william a GUI for some code xP
I don't care. Please, send me the old source so I have something to do. Lol.

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