Change information to index...
When using GetPlayerY() you need to tell the client which player you are trying to find the Y Co-Ordinate of.
Knowing what you are trying to do would help...
please, do not use caps like that. It is totally unnecessary. Are you shouting? I hope not.
Also my previous comment wasn't trying to say it would be good if you knew what you were trying to do(that is obviously a must), but it would be good if you told us what you were trying to do. We aren't magicians, nor psychics
If this is part of the movement your way, wouldnt it go where you want it to go?
I would think 'you' should put it in a sub that handles when a mouse is pressed. Though if you will put it there is up to you.
where did you try to put it?
saying the methods you put it in would be a good way of saying where you put it...
I can't tell from what you said where you put it, there are many places that have to do with the mouse and how I am, or anyone else, supposed to know what method you missed.
Punctuation, it's your friend. Try using it.
What tut did you add for all of this?