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Free Web Hosting
ATGHost is the best web hosting you can possibly get!

It is free, and the lowest package offers 10GB space, 100GB transfer, for nothing! We also offer post for host for EVEN MORE! It is brand new, so it is the speed, of well... new! Take a new computer, its as fast as can be right? So so is this! It is so amazing, it is an awesome server, over 3 Ghz processor, and 8GB of RAM. Top of the line servers, make for great web hosting.

These are cPanel 11 hosting, perfect for those who really need something done, and done fast.

Join the community too!
God damn bots.
I'm not a bot O_o...
I'm Drew Big Grin From XW.
Well you sure do act like one, and you were probably paid to post this.
But this hosting is Shit, It's just another god damn broken Reseller.
Wich is completely un-proffesional and will probably close within the next 3 weeks.
You're too cynical.
katcode Wrote:Well you sure do act like one, and you were probably paid to post this.
But this hosting is Shit, It's just another god damn broken Reseller.
Wich is completely un-proffesional and will probably close within the next 3 weeks.

Unless you've used it for an extensive amount of time and have had several unsolved issues with them, then do not slander someone who is trying to help. As you can see, the site is FREE, therefore, it's not exactly a reseller, now is it?

You shouldn't jump down new member's throats, when they've done nothing wrong but offer a service to the community.
I fixed the billing issues if anyone noticed them.

But this is not a reseller. It is new though. It's free, so it's not a reseller, because you get paid to do that. Well... feel free to join, you can't get probably any more space or bandwidth or features than what I offer. But think what you do. I won't bother you about it.
I rather use Hostultra, because it gives you unlimited web space on the free account.
No such thing as unlimited.
But I guess you could. I am not forcing you to use it, but I'm just offering it.
#10 Go here and have a look
"Unlimited" is a advertising technique used by web hosting companies. They actually give you a darn huge amount of space and think you will never use it all, so it's sort of like "Unlimited".
There is no limit of web space, but can only upload 1MB file. You dont get php support, only use zip achieves, use jpg graphic file. Also you can use swf files. I am using it for my guild in Wonderland Online.
ShadowMaster Wrote:There is no limit of web space, but can only upload 1MB file. You dont get php support, only use zip achieves, use jpg graphic file. Also you can use swf files. I am using it for my guild in Wonderland Online.

Okay, that's better than this? I doubt you get file upload limitations on his set up..
You can upload to as large as your disk space. (20GB at max) and you get PHP 5, MySQLi 5. It's a real good web host, as quite a bit of features. Installatron too. I'm looking into more applications to be able to install, if you have any requests tell me. But I recommend you all at least try it for a little while.
Sorry We will stay with unlimited space. Anyway there are free forum sites, they setup the forum for you. You just have to do the other stuff.
ShadowMaster Wrote:Sorry We will stay with unlimited space. Anyway there are free forum sites, they setup the forum for you. You just have to do the other stuff.

Good. Personally, I've always felt it's not a good thing to have people who are stupid using your service.
That made me laugh...

But now the billing is messed up again. Damn WHMCS!!
Now it looks like you going to change
Currently I need a developer password to sign up?? I think your site is broken.
Labmonkey Wrote:Currently I need a developer password to sign up?? I think your site is broken.

He said the billing is messed up again. Give him time to work it out.
I like atghosting i use it.
Sometimes I am sad that I support not flaming new members so much.
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:Sometimes I am sad that I support not flaming new members so much.

Who do you wanna flame? Lol.

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