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Apache & PHP
I'm trying to install PHP5 with Apache 2.2. Every guide I find, doesn't work. The server errors when I start it.

Anyone have any experience with this?
What's the error?
"The requested operation has failed!"

It happens when I add the loadmodule line for php..

LoadModule php5_module "C:/php/php5apache2.dll"

I've tried with and without the quotes, as some guides say to have them, some say not to..

[EDIT] I got it by changing it to php5apache2_2.dll

Go figure, huh? Lol.

Thanks. Big Grin

[EDIT2] K, now if only I could get the .htaccess file to work..
I used to use Apache+Php, but I changed to Windows Server 2008 and then I tried IIS. Man... you know the difference?
Apache+Php = 1 hour or more for configuration and such things.
IIS+Php = only install and it is working.

I just read that when they release Windows Server 2008 R2, IIS 7.5 will be released together. Then I read that IIS 7.5 has full support for Php at installation time Big Grin
I need to check that out!!!
Nice. I got everything working properly though. Big Grin

I'll still check out IIS though. Thanks for the heads up.

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