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2 problems i have
After adding many features and playing around with my code i have 2 serious problems:
1. I cannot write(i cant write even pressing enter or not) spells doesnt work(i dont know if the problem is in the command box that opens the spells or in the packet)

Some help?
*Shaded shakes the magic eight ball......*


*Shaded shakes it again.....*

-Try Again.-

Mind sharing what you changed? I can't read your code any better than this magic eight ball dude.

The problem on chat was after apply this tutorial:

Posted By: Sync
Subject: Chat In A Text Box Instead Of On-Screen
Date Posted: 11 February 2006 at 3:21pm
Difficulty: Easy 1/5

Originaly Posted By: Sonire

In frmMirage:

Make a text box and name it txtMyTextBox

In modGameLogic:

In the game loop find:

' Blit the text they are putting in

And Replace with:

' Blit the text they are putting in

frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Text = MyText
If Len(MyText) > 4 Then
frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.SelStart = Len(frmMirage.txtMyTextBox.Text) + 1
End If

Then Find:

Sub ResizeGUI()

And Replace the Sub with:

'Sub ResizeGUI()
'If frmMirage.WindowState  vbMinimized Then
'frmMirage.txtChat.Height = Int(frmMirage.Height / Screen.TwipsPerPixelY) - - 32
'frmMirage.txtChat.Width = Int(frmMirage.Width / Screen.TwipsPerPixelX) - 8
'End If
'End Sub

Then Find:

Sub GameInit()

And Replace the whole sub with:

Sub GameInit()
frmMirage.Visible = True
frmSendGetData.Visible = False
'Call ResizeGUI
Call InitDirectX
End Sub

I cant write cause it deleted any letter i am typing
(I ll try to fix the spells on my ownTongue)
Ok I tested the tutorial and it seems to work fine.

Try to redo everything from the backup source that you should have made.

If you still have issues I'll work further with you. Just send me a PM if you have the same problem.
Wow that is the worst way to handle is so easy to make a chat system from scratch.

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