24-06-2006, 07:38 PM
I just did Verrigans tutorial for changing WinSock to IOCP (link)
After fixing some errors it gave me I could finally start the server successfull, but now, when the client wants to create a new account on the server it gets stuck at: Connected, sending account data. The account does get created, so when I hit escape en try to login it gets stuck again, at "Connected, sending account .....". (the server receives the connection though). Does anyone know how I can fix this.
I did the tutorial on a blank version of MSE-Build 1. I also did the tutorial several times but I'm keep getting the same error.
p.s. When I try to run the server after I have done the tutorial, im getting rte's higlighting the code "GameServer.Sockets(Index).anything", I changed it to "GameServer.Sockets.Item(Index).anythin" 'cause it fixed the error, maybe that is the reason it isn't working?
After fixing some errors it gave me I could finally start the server successfull, but now, when the client wants to create a new account on the server it gets stuck at: Connected, sending account data. The account does get created, so when I hit escape en try to login it gets stuck again, at "Connected, sending account .....". (the server receives the connection though). Does anyone know how I can fix this.
I did the tutorial on a blank version of MSE-Build 1. I also did the tutorial several times but I'm keep getting the same error.
p.s. When I try to run the server after I have done the tutorial, im getting rte's higlighting the code "GameServer.Sockets(Index).anything", I changed it to "GameServer.Sockets.Item(Index).anythin" 'cause it fixed the error, maybe that is the reason it isn't working?