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Well, i firstly had a packet error so they were not saving or loading properly.. fixed this; NOW i have a new one ~.~

the npc's simply are not spawning.. i dont know what i am doing wrong i have replaced the spawnnpc subs and all that jazz server side with base 3.0.3 ones and still no luck. Its not showing them, their name, anything - they are not there o.0

Any ideas where to look? ~.~

(i have a suspision whatever it is, its client side)
Fox Wrote:i have a suspision whatever it is, its client side

that means it's server side Tongue
Alright i am definate its not client side now ~.~

replaced all of modgamelogic and modservertcp server side so it cant be that, omg ~.~
Make sure the server is sending the client all the info, like make sure all the packets are there. If that's fine, check if the client saves all of the information. If it does, then make sure it's all being drawn.

Make sure that the server notices a player is on the map so it sends the NPC information.

Other then that, if it doesn't work. Download a fresh copy of the source and copy all the NPC crap from there into your project Wink

Yeah have been putting all fresh npc stuff into it and still no avail, this is getting stupid ~.~
Cant find a SINGLE thing wrong, omg -.-

4 hours of my life this has taken from me now? God -dies-

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