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MS4 Transparent Textbox/Scrolling Maps
Both would be hugely appreciated tutorials, it doesn't even have to be copy & paste, but both of these would make great additions.

Yes, I've been trying to get Transparent TextBox, & I've also tried making TextBox moveable.

A start to seamless maps.
Meh. :S
Mattyw Wrote:Both would be hugely appreciated tutorials, it doesn't even have to be copy & paste, but both of these would make great additions.

Yes, I've been trying to get Transparent TextBox, & I've also tried making TextBox moveable.

I believe you'd have to convert to DX8, which is no easy feat. Amirite?
you serious?
just for transparent textbox =\
i want it but not that bad

For the password textbox
is it possible for me to make it rich text box?
and keep password.Char working
or however thats spelled

or how do i make it so its a label?
that you can type in
doomteam1 Wrote:you serious?
just for transparent textbox =\
i want it but not that bad

For the password textbox
is it possible for me to make it rich text box?
and keep password.Char working
or however thats spelled

or how do i make it so its a label?
that you can type in

Of course we're serious. Alpha blending over the game screen requires you to use the same methods you used to render the game in the first place.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Transparent RTF box.

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