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So what has everyone been up to for the last 3 years?
Ill write a little update when I get off work.
Probably worst 3 years of my life. I moved from home and went to school, guess its called university. School is okay, but sucks to lose contact with my real friends. Going back home in 1 month though Smile

Other than that, I been doing work on k2h, playing Heroes of Newerth (im so good) and some sc2. Also some diablo1 and diablo2
Moved from Ohio back to Detroit, MI in December of 2010. Hooked up with a chick I've known since 2008 for about a month, ended that. Spent February to September single. Finally met up with a girl that I've known since 2009, one thing led to another and now we're together. Lol. My exwife is still a cunt and won't let me see my son. Um. As of right now, the plan is to move back to Ohio in July. We'll see what happens.

As for FADE.. Been workin' on it off and on here and there. It's underwent a few fresh starts, but whatever. It's gettin' there. Lol.
I stole the cat!

[Image: 303341_10150854169883131_1137288692_n.jpg]
I think the last time (most of) you guys heard from me (on here) I had moved back into my mom's place and started vocational college and work at Blockbuster. I dropped out of college after a year. Stayed at Blockbuster until the day the company sold out to Dish Network and they closed our store. Went a solid year without a job, during which I had moved in with an old friend. Sweet deal, no rent, just shared the utilities bill. Did a lot of PC repair, and even some less legitimate things to make money. Life style landed me into some trouble - so I moved back into the parents place. Currently working at a drug store in a bad part of town.
Hrm... three years ago, I started university in my hometown in a communications program while simultaneously working almost full time at an art gallery. Got sick of my program and how little I was learning, moved to a new city this year and just completed my first year at an art school. Now I am working for an assistive technology company for the summer. Everything is going great!

For the record, I still can't remember the username I used when I was on the MS forums... I do know however that I went by Memoir on the Mirage Realms project forums (Jacob, Egon, Liam.. you'll recognize that username Tongue).

Thanks for all the nostalgia that was had this morning!!

I became employed full time as a quality analyst at a company that deals with building their own custom electronics and the firmware/software to go along with it. Acquired my own apartment, built a new computer setup. The good life.

I dropped VB6 and learned C/++ which I feel I've excelled at compared to the old days.

I believe that's about it.
My kids are now 4 and 1.

I was an IT Manager for 5 years. I'm now a "Software Development Engineer", C# web developer.

Pretty much gave up on Vb6 and game development for a long time I think. I still need to do a few things for MR and at least put a server online for it. I also need to finish up some code for someone else that I promised.
Jacob Wrote:My kids are now 4 and 1.

I was an IT Manager for 5 years. I'm now a "Software Development Engineer", C# web developer.

Pretty much gave up on Vb6 and game development for a long time I think. I still need to do a few things for MR and at least put a server online for it. I also need to finish up some code for someone else that I promised.

If it's something that you think people will actually play, I can set you up an account on my VPS for the server.
Yeah I have my own VPS as well, just haven't used it for games yet. Host my websites, teamspeak, and minecraft server. Thanks though!
Jacob Wrote:Yeah I have my own VPS as well, just haven't used it for games yet. Host my websites, teamspeak, and minecraft server. Thanks though!

Np, man. Mine is literally only used for the FADE server. I have a webserver that's separate.
Rian Wrote:Currently working as a drug store in a bad part of town.


It's neat to see everyone showing up again.

I've been in touch with Rian, Jacob and Matt for the most part. Started a carpentry apprenticeship which I am almost done now, building myself a 1000sq. ft. two car garage with an apartment suite upstairs in August. Pretty excited about that.

As for MS based stuff, still puttering around with Merrimint. Work takes a hell of a lot of my time though and I'm usually tired by the end of the day and don't want to do much else. Being an adult sucks haha. Finally handed the reigns over to a friend named Bo, he's assumed most control of it. A server transfer needs to happen sometime soon and then that's that.

I'd like to see MR come online, as well as FADE. I might be able to mess around mapping if anybody wants.
I just finished up a 3 year Computer Science college program, and now I'm off to university next fall to do Software Engineering, so I'm pretty stoked about that (our school system in Canada is a bit strange). Apart that life has been rather tame, I've been working at a software firm and just trying to enjoy life as much as possible. I have however been with my girlfriend about 3 years and a half now, and that's going awesomely !

I haven't been gaming much lately, as my desktop has been on the fritz ever since Skyrim. I got sucked into minecraft for a good little while though. As for game development, I always start new little projects and then give up on them - terrible habit haha. I miss the ORPG world though Sad

I've also been trying to blog recently but never have many ideas on what exactly to write.
Anthony Wrote:
Rian Wrote:Currently working as a drug store in a bad part of town.


It's neat to see everyone showing up again.

I've been in touch with Rian, Jacob and Matt for the most part. Started a carpentry apprenticeship which I am almost done now, building myself a 1000sq. ft. two car garage with an apartment suite upstairs in August. Pretty excited about that.

As for MS based stuff, still puttering around with Merrimint. Work takes a hell of a lot of my time though and I'm usually tired by the end of the day and don't want to do much else. Being an adult sucks haha. Finally handed the reigns over to a friend named Bo, he's assumed most control of it. A server transfer needs to happen sometime soon and then that's that.

I'd like to see MR come online, as well as FADE. I might be able to mess around mapping if anybody wants.

I definitely need help with mapping, but atm, it's just linking maps and laying the very base ground layers. Grass, beach, etc. Then after they're all linked, go through and add detail and what not.
Asrrin! Fuckin' great to see you, man. Haven't talked to you in forever. I debated lookin' you up on Facebook, but haven't the slightest idea what your last name is. Haha.
Hi, dont know how many remember me.
But yeah, i was working on several MS based games some years ago.. ended up doing Silverdale 100 times and then just sold it.

Other than that, ive been doing music, and probably smoking alot of weed since the last time i was here.. not so much anymore tho.
But yeah, thats whats going on, and And some more stuff..

Finished school, have a fulltime job, looking for an apartment.. thats my life right now xD.
It's pretty amazing to hear about all of you again.

I doubt I'm well remembered here, but for what it's worth I start my final year of Sixth Form in September, with an aim to study Mathematics at Cambridge or LSE the following year.

I think I remember you Mithlomion; was it you who ran a warez site for a while?
has it really been only 3 years?
well i have done next to nothing since then
been busy with life my kids are getting to the age many of you started at on this stuff
and no they aren't really in to computers (yet)
kids they grow up so fast...
in 3 more years i will have 2 kids in high school
i seen a few names i remember form way back when
(yay atleast my memory isn't gone to far)
Sperot Wrote:has it really been only 3 years?
well i have done next to nothing since then
been busy with life my kids are getting to the age many of you started at on this stuff
and no they aren't really in to computers (yet)
kids they grow up so fast...
in 3 more years i will have 2 kids in high school
i seen a few names i remember form way back when
(yay atleast my memory isn't gone to far)

Not sure I remember you, though your name seems familiar..

And the way you type/talk, I'd assume you were Dr. Spoon.

But let's be honest, not many (if any) have heard from Spoon in ages. Lol.
Looks like the band is back together eh Smile

The last 3 years... well, as far as work goes I've been a Java Developer now for around 3 years this October. Met a girl, moved town, settled down... proposed... and about 6 months ago she cheated on me so, pretty much just got back on my feet again.

Is anyone here working on anything these days or am I the only muppet giving it a shot?
I did work on k2h until recently, but it's pretty much finished and I'm now working on my sequal.
lol yeah Dr. Spoon was me at some time back in the past
been a while
at least someone recognized my style
i may get back into this but i dunno it has been a while
Christ, Dr.Spoon... it's been a while. I still remember being super duper over the moon excited when you let me remap your starting zone on your game Smile
lol well i still have the maps but
i dunno if im gonna use them any more
but maybe someday i will release something that uses them

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