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For the D&D Players
Since I've been in school, I've been practicing my programming skills. This is truly my first 'creation' using anything past VB6.


What is this?
This program (No official name yet) will basically be able to provide you with your own 'Character Station' where you will be able to create, manage and store characters for Role Playing Games based on the D20 system. Its use is intended for people who are tired of printing sheets, leaving nasty pencil marks when erasing and also eliminating the need to buy additional supplies.

What can it do?
Here is a current feature list.

-Built in Dice Roller (D4, D6, D8, D10, D12, D20, and D100 for percentile.) With this tool you will be able to choose how many of each dice you want to roll and also gives you the ability to add a positive or negative modifier to it. This panel also features a log that tracks all of your rolls, this way a DM can observe you previous rolls to check for possible cheating. A player log is also available to jot down some notes.

-Fully Customizable Character Sheet: This the heart of it all. With this, you will be able to create fully detailed characters to play with. You will be able to add, change and save values. As of right now, the character sheet is based off of the D&D 3.5e official Character Sheet. The tabs represent 'pages' and each page has different fields on it. This portion of the program is still under works.

Additional Character Sheet Features
-Search the D20SRD Database (straight from the menu) for any term or question based on the game (internet required).
-Save Characters: You will be able to create and save as many characters as your HDD can hold. You will also be able to open them up and play them whenever you want.

This is still a work in progress. I have everything set up, I just need to add all of the character sheet fields and version 1.0a will be released to the public. Any suggestions, criticism or concerns can be sent to my email at Thanks guys.
Looks like you put some effort into that, but not sure if anybody will reply because nobody really knows about this forum now.
Dope shit.

@William - Let's promote it? I miss MS and Fox even took down the MR source forums too. James shut down the official MS. Stupid faggot.
Never thought of hearing that from you. You can do what you want really, I'm open for it but I will not be advertising.
Mirage Source was here:

But if this website is coming back I may as well take Mirage Source off it and just focus on MirageMUD
Hey, I love MS, dude. It used to be my get away from everything. I'd come here, talk about nerd shit, goof off with friends and just read shit when I had nothin' else to do. Lol.
Xlithan Wrote:Mirage Source was here:

But if this website is coming back I may as well take Mirage Source off it and just focus on MirageMUD
I dont see mirage source on that site, you have a source for a unfinished MUD version it says. I brought this site back for nostalgic reasons, no reason for you to shut down your site.
Matt for president.
Edit: I think that was a little too complex with hidden motives so I'm rewriting my post.

1. I think we need to duplicate the database and the forum files.
2. We need to lock the duplicate as an archive.
3. We need to wipe all the posts (just the posts, wiping accounts aren't necessary at the moment?) so we have an empty forum to be organized with if we ever do put things back.
4. We can repopulate the forum with new things, or we can just use it as a hang-out.
William Wrote:
Xlithan Wrote:Mirage Source was here:

But if this website is coming back I may as well take Mirage Source off it and just focus on MirageMUD
I dont see mirage source on that site, you have a source for a unfinished MUD version it says. I brought this site back for nostalgic reasons, no reason for you to shut down your site.

It's cool I don't mind. Less for me to worry about lol. It's good that MS has come back home, I was quite angry when they tried to erase it from existance so hopefully you will keep this open again, regardless of how active the forums are, I think I had well over 1000 downloads for the different versions of MS so it shows that people are still interested in using it.

I got 3 games and my MUD engine, which I'm hoping to port over to VB2010 soon.
Xlithan Wrote:
William Wrote:
Xlithan Wrote:Mirage Source was here:

But if this website is coming back I may as well take Mirage Source off it and just focus on MirageMUD
I dont see mirage source on that site, you have a source for a unfinished MUD version it says. I brought this site back for nostalgic reasons, no reason for you to shut down your site.

It's cool I don't mind. Less for me to worry about lol. It's good that MS has come back home, I was quite angry when they tried to erase it from existance so hopefully you will keep this open again, regardless of how active the forums are, I think I had well over 1000 downloads for the different versions of MS so it shows that people are still interested in using it.

I got 3 games and my MUD engine, which I'm hoping to port over to VB2010 soon.
Here is what I say to VB.NET. ... don-vb-net

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