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My Project
Well im going to post different things here as my project goes on. So far have it able to connect with multiple connections, can boot people, can send server messages, can create account, can login. Basic things. Anyways if anyones bored take a look and let me know what kind of things I can optimize or how I can do them better. Im sure im not doing everything as good as it can be plus its best to clean it up before I get even farther.

Keep in mind im still learning but laugh or comment as you please lol
guess no one cares? :/
what is it
Doomy Wrote:what is it

Lmao. He just gave you an explanation of what is it.
i mean is it an orpg engine? a chat client? idk what it is
Its very basic so really it could be anything but down the road probably some sort of game
1. Great start Smile
2. On the form where one creates an account, you have User name, Password, and instead of Repeat Password you put, Repeat User name. Tongue

Other then that, it worked very well. Smile
Your correct and was fixed.
Still wondering if anyone will download and give me some pointers or areas to improve at
One thing I noticed instantly is:

Dim r
, that's a no-no. When not declaring a specific type it automatically defines it as a variant, which is very slow. I'd probably go with Dim R as String, or Dim R as Long. Either one should work.

Also using counters in For...Next loops is slower, instead of Next I just put Next.

Also put
Option Explicit
in your forms and whatnot, that makes it so you have to dim your variables. Things could get out of hand otherwise. Generally bad practice to not use it, unless you're using a different Option.

Nest your code, it's hard to read.

Also I noticed you use
, instead use
. Most of the time this is better.

Also if you have variables and whatnot you're not using, delete them. They take up space.

Might be more, I'll look over it more thoroughly later.
Thanks for actually replying.

The code for reading and writing INIs I got from somewhere I forget where so I didn't even really look over it much but I changed the Dim R.

the "" part I knew was a better way but some reason it slipped my mind what I had to put so I just used that.

More replies are welcome.

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