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Free Tileset
[Image: FreeTileset.png]

Im making a new one so i don't want this one anymore. Its free to use.

[Image: 3-12.png]

That is them in action
Reverse the shadowing on the roof, it looks like it's caving in Confusedhock:
The roof is the wrong angle. Tongue It's top down, where as the rest isn't.

You don't have to change it, as you gave it away for free, just pointing it out. Big Grin
Matt Wrote:The roof is the wrong angle. Tongue It's top down, where as the rest isn't.

You don't have to change it, as you gave it away for free, just pointing it out. Big Grin

lol ya, there were alot of problems with the tileset, im just moving on to a beter tileset im making.
The newest one isn't going to be dark themed though, now im aiming for a kidy tileset.
Well its a ok tile set to start with, but the good thing is its free. This can give people the opportunity to add their own tiles aswell, which makes MS have some more pixel artists which will be very good.

Good start Doomy, hope to see more of your work.

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