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These idiots
I know it's the ambassadors job to welcome the newbies, and help them out. Make them feel welcome, show them how MS works, like an ambassador should. However, I also believe that Ambassadors should keep MS in the state it's been in, so this poses a problem. Welcome these fools, or tell them to GTFO?
Somehow need to get more people programming. Exadon and I tried creating projects for people to do in the programming section, but barely anyone participated. Maybe I can try something else to get more people programming.
The projects advancement levels curved too quickly. It might be nice to design some projects that really help teach the language.
I have a few of those projects around still, I think. From when I showed Exadon.

Think those would be good?
Those look nice Big Grin
Asrrin29 Wrote:Make a post limit so that you can't post in Off topic until x number of posts in other forums. Most newfags seem to congregate their, and forcing them to do actual programming stuff instead of off topic would help the community out.

Is this a mod or does anyone know how to do this right now?
Does anyone wanna write up a good newbie guide? I suck at writing Sad
You guys know what to say, make sure to tell people to get back into programming. I'll
Yeah, I need to get things setup.
#9 ... &t=1342275

Posting for myself.

I didn't get to the autogroup thing tonight, so i'm gonna do it when i get to work tomorrow morning.
I can start to do some ASPX walktrhoughs (as I am learning it myself)
Hmm, I could try writing up a good guide, but didn't Rian write up a really kickass guide in the days when William was around?

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