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Official Mirage Source Forum Mafia Game!
...James is in the mafia. Why else was he in a store late at night with a bulletproof vest? You might ask "But why did he shoot himself then?" Because it's the prefect cover up. He could of just placed the vest in the shop window, went outside and just gunned the place. Clearly he must of been up to something because he's still in the store even thought it happened late at night many hours ago! He probably just got back from ditching the gun somewhere. That's my theory at least.

Vote James
I agree.. Why would he still be lingering around the store when it happened during the night?

Vote James
Hmm...I think Egon is trying to cover it up. I don't think Beres would be able to IM Asrrin, since he's new and wouldn't have his IM...and Egon posted a pretty quick reply...however James could easily IM Asrrin too. But hey, maybe I'm trying to cover up me doing it? Well I haven't been on IM and I don't have Asrrin's IM that I'm aware of...and it is clearly somebody who can IM Asrrin.

Vote Egon

I was just thinking since James has more experience in situations like this he could be the Mafia. And It just seemed odd to me that he was out at night, in a store, with a bulletproof vest and stuck around after being shot at to show us his vest.
Yes, I also think James shot himself just to cover up for a murder. What was he doing with a bulletproof vest? Why did he want to protect his self?

Vote James
I've came up to a different theory that Egon is trying to use James to cover up for his own doings, you can tell since he overly accused him. I'm still not quite sure what James was doing with a bulletproof vest but I

Unvote James

Vote Egon
Yeah...Egon, you posted way too quickly. The fact that Asrrin said only 1 guy IMed him then you come up and post within 30 minutes...meaning you were probably chatting with him and knew he posted...and you're trying really hard to get James voted out, as if you're desperate for people to not vote on you.
I'm not overly accusing him though, everything I said happened.

He was in the store at night, townies should be asleep.
He had a bulletproof vest for some reason.
He stayed at the scene for a good few hours after it happened.
He lived threw the shooting.

As for Asrrin, I don't even know his screen name. And to answer the posting early thing, I've been waiting to do something in the game so when 12 rolled around I said something.
Yeah that could be true.

But even with that post you're just proving my point...

But still I don't know. NOBODY KNOWS! IT'S A CRAZY TIME!!!!!!!

I think it's either James or it could be Egon...the only 2 that really are tied with Asrrin's post.

My vote remains Egon and my points still remain.

Also Egon you don't know Asrrin's IM? Why didn't you say that earlier? Seems like a lie now.
I didn't see any point to bring it up earlier. He said people could IM him if they had questions on how the game worked. Figured that's what it was for.
Eh I don't know just giving possibilities...trying to figure it out.
Giaken seems to be protecting James. Are they both Mafia? They could have been up to no good and that 'shooting' was a cover up.
Yeah I could be in the mafia...I guess I was posting too much, trying to cover up my actions by blaming Egon. You have to think a lot in this game...

And Dugor's posting could be just trying to cover up his own actions by blaming me if you think about it.
Dugor Wrote:Giaken seems to be protecting James. Are they both Mafia? They could have been up to no good and that 'shooting' was a cover up.
That could be, but the fact that Jame has a bulletproof vest kind of puts him a head of GIAKEN in my book.
The Mafia is around, I don't blame James for having the bullet proof vest.
Dugor trying to protect James? Maybe not wanting him to get voted on?

Me trying to get Dugor voted on? I don't know...

I think I'll stay with my Egon vote for now...we got 48 hours to see how people play their posts out.
Lea Wrote:In a number's game like this, the mafia does not want to murder it's own people. The chance of protection exists, but it is also possible that Asrrin just made the story up to get the ball rolling. Even so, James managed to live! Especially in the first move, the mafia expected a quick kill to remove the most experienced player from the game rapidly. and increase their chances of a win.

Vote Egon

Bingo! and the townies don't commit crimes Wink

Unvote James
Vote Egon
Ugh, freaking last time I try to help by pointing out details and making a theory out of them. You guys suck.
Egon Wrote:Ugh, freaking last time I try to help by pointing out details and making a theory out of them. You guys suck.

It really will be :\
I'm pretty bullheaded, and since I've been out of town all day I don't know whats going on. I think James has us hoodwinked.

Vote James
I don't think Egon or James did it.

Giaken found a perfect cover up for his wrong doings. He saw the logic from Egon and knew he could use that against him. He also pointed out many times about how only 1 person IMed Asrrin. That person was probably him, trying to get the most experienced player gone right away.

Dick Tongue

It would make sense I did it if I was actually on MSN and if I had any other reasons to think I was related to Asrrin's post (IE posting fast reply or whatever).

I think Dugor is trying to frame me in an attempt to clear his own name. Sure, he's the owner of MS and he's so cool, but I think he could still be the master mind behind all of this.

In a way this game could be affected by the social status of the community...IE more popular people may get better roles, unless it was computer generated based on random numbers or something.

There is also the fact that James has a liking for assassin's with his assassin's creed avatar and other related things (such as his custom title on OGC stating he's an assassin)...Asrrin could have noticed that liking and set him up for the job possibly.

Egon did post quick, but I think he was just trying to be active and kicking him out the game this quick is sad Sad
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin, keeping it simple and short Tongue Maybe trying to not reveal his role by not posting as much?

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