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Easier mapping
Hi all, I'll first explain how I'm wanting to setup my maps because it'll be easier for you understand what I'm wanting to do.

Ok, I've set aside 4096 maps, which converts to a 64 x 64 grid, for use as my outside areas.

Anyway, as you can imagine when setting up a map's left, right, up and down partners its going to be a bitch doing the maths. So what I've done is added check boxes in frmMapproperties next to each of the partners text boxes, when ticked I'm wanting them to drag the number of the map the admin is currently on and either +/- 64 for the up and down partners and +/- 1 for the left and right partners, then place the number in the corresponding box.

The code I've tried to use is: -

Private Sub Check4_Click()
Dim index As Long
If Check4.Value = 1 Then
txtRight = GetPlayerMap(index).Num + 1
End If
End Sub

The error I'm getting is :
Compile Error:
Invalid qualifier

and it highlights GetPlayerMap

I'm tired after working yet another 16 hour night shift and so my brain just aint working, anyone fancy lending a hand please.

Thanks in advance.
Try using "MyIndex" if it's client side.
Private Sub Check4_Click()
Dim index As Long
     If Check4.Value = 1 Then
          txtRight = GetPlayerMap(MyIndex) + 1
     End If
End Sub

Also think you can do something like:

Private Sub Check4_Click()
Dim index As Long
     If Check4.Value = 1 Then
          txtRight = Map.num + 1
     End If
End Sub

If it's client side.
LOL son of a bitch, I probably tried everything but (MyIndex), its all working beautifully now, and its speeded up the map making loads.

Cheers Smile
MirWraith Wrote:LOL son of a bitch, I probably tried everything but (MyIndex), its all working beautifully now, and its speeded up the map making loads.

Cheers Smile

Np man. Any other issues, just post them. We'll help. Big Grin

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