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[Image: ug05e621n.gif]

Blue is a pokemon game me and Rian are working on, completely based on the original Pokemon Blue for the GameBoy.

It will be exactly like playing the original game, only with updated graphics and, of course, online play. Players will have to wait their turn to battle gym leaders each time. Once the player's gather all the badges, you'll face the Elite Four. However, we're not sure if the main person you battle after that will be the last winner, or will always be an npc.
Another pokemon mmo?! there must be at least 15 of them
This is cool.

We need more of the classics made and modified for online play.
Yeah, there's a couple, but most have failed. Ours is just going to be a clone of Blue version, and simplicity usually prevails.
Leaf Green/Fire Red graphics ftw!
Anthony Wrote:Leaf Green/Fire Red graphics ftw!

Got any? Lol.

Enjoy. Naw don't have each tile in a sheet.
I swear to God, you better use the old graphics. If you don't, this will fail worse than a Dutchman.
I've seen one Online pokemon game that I actually like. And No, I don't like it because I map for it. I like it cause it's sexy.
But this one sounds sexy too. So I might like it.
Same maps and same graphics. Use the color versions of them though (gold/silver). Then it would be so pwnage! If you want help mapping or something, or getting resources, or really anything, I'll help.
I think I'll be helping Matt and Rian with the resources. Not confirmed yet but I will if they need it.

I am probably going to be ripping artwork from Fire Red. Which is almost identical to the old versions, just colored and a bit updated.

[Image: mame.png]

Kru, what Pokemon game are you mapping for? Every single one I have ever seen has failed in my eyes. I don't want to play a game that doesn't play and feel exactly like the original Tongue
I'm telling you, use the classic.
[Image: Pokemon_Blue_Version_GBC_ScreenShot4.gif]
Egon, if you can rip tiles from the classic and match every tile Anthony provides, I will program a classic version into the game as well. So that you can choose between the graphics and such.
No can do. Anthony's tile set would naturally have more tiles and filler then the original. My point is, if you name it Blue, it should use Blue graphics. Not FireRed/LeafGreen.
Egon Wrote:No can do. Anthony's tile set would naturally have more tiles and filler then the original. My point is, if you name it Blue, it should use Blue graphics. Not FireRed/LeafGreen.

Well, you just gave a very valid reason as to why we shouldn't use the original Blue graphics. There's not as many tiles. Tongue

I figured, since you're decent at pixel work and stuff, you could pixel the tiles that the Fire Red tiles have and the original set, doesn't.

Using the shitty looking, one color graphics, isn't a good idea. Using both and giving players the option to choose, is though.
Anthony Wrote:I think I'll be helping Matt and Rian with the resources. Not confirmed yet but I will if they need it.

I am probably going to be ripping artwork from Fire Red. Which is almost identical to the old versions, just colored and a bit updated.

[Image: mame.png]

Kru, what Pokemon game are you mapping for? Every single one I have ever seen has failed in my eyes. I don't want to play a game that doesn't play and feel exactly like the original Tongue

Turn off that damn rendering option. We want to see the pixels.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Egon Wrote:I'm telling you, use the classic.
[Image: Pokemon_Blue_Version_GBC_ScreenShot4.gif]
If you use the classic I will kill myself. That gfx is good for gameboy, nothing else.
Robin Wrote:
Anthony Wrote:I think I'll be helping Matt and Rian with the resources. Not confirmed yet but I will if they need it.

I am probably going to be ripping artwork from Fire Red. Which is almost identical to the old versions, just colored and a bit updated.

[Image: mame.png]

Kru, what Pokemon game are you mapping for? Every single one I have ever seen has failed in my eyes. I don't want to play a game that doesn't play and feel exactly like the original Tongue

Turn off that damn rendering option. We want to see the pixels.

Speak for yourself.
Ill match up tilesets if you want. Are you gana use original maps or make your own?
Labmonkey Wrote:Ill match up tilesets if you want. Are you gana use original maps or make your own?

Original. Rian will be mapping out the world exactly as it was in the original game. Our goal is an honest to god, exact version, with online capabilities.
Thank Christ.

I will be happy to map ^.^. Going to get some tile ripping done today. I'll hit you up on GTalk or MSN later.
Exact as in EXACT? Everyone will have the choice of 2 characters? Boy/Girl
Tony Wrote:Exact as in EXACT? Everyone will have the choice of 2 characters? Boy/Girl

With different colors, of course. Don't want everyone looking exactly the same. Tongue
Exact as in every map, npc, item, gym leader, trainer, pokemon type, pokemon move, and npc dialogue will be straight from pokemon blue.

Its pokemon blue, built with mirage source 4, and using update graphics. Of course there will be a couple compromises here and there. That's to be expected with most anything ported to mirage though.
I'll help with some programming whenever I have some free time.

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