frmIndex.lstIndex.AddItem i & ": " & Trim$(Spell(i).Name) this is the line screwing up all my spells
Getting a Runtime Error 9 on Spell(i).name = SubScirpt out of range
Odds are the packet is mixed up.
thought so... been looking for where i had error no luck yet
Look at the order in which it's sent. Also, make sure the spell name is actually being sent in the first place. I've seen this problem several times, but I don't remember what the issue was.
Well got it fixed but Spell animation doesn't work on non scrolling maps or scrolling maps. I tried both.
Ok Last update.... spell anim works once and its in the bottom left corner of map only any ideas?
The "For" Of "i" unconfigured correct Use:
for i = 1 to max_spells