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doomteam's Tileset
Well I am making a tileset and i will never use it so imma give it.
there are going to be things in it i thought about using and they suck bad but o well.
Here this is it sucks yes i know but this is it.

Also tell me if you like it or what ever

And I will be updating this tileset moving things around adding new things ect.
[Image: Tiles0-7.png]

This is a screenshot of the Newly added ones in action
[Image: Untitled-4-5.png]
And This is a screenshot of them in action ... d-1-35.png
The house reminds me alot of zelda
That's because it's just a rip of Zelda's.

You can tell, as it's got a different perspective to the rest.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
You say it sucks, yet, how many of us said we liked it?
i modeled the house after a zelda house it was more of to practice making a house then to accually be the thing
sorry if this is considered a double post but i added a tree and some snow stuff
it was my resource i was updating so i was questionable about it
added some new ones
I still think it looks really good.
Matt Wrote:You say it sucks, yet, how many of us said we liked it?

Who said it sucks, Matt?

I think it's quite nice, I just don't like the house.
doomteam1 Wrote:Well I am making a tileset and i will never use it so imma give it.
there are going to be things in it i thought about using and they suck bad but o well.
Here this is it sucks yes i know but this is it.

It's not hard to read, Tony. That's in the FIRST post..
Matt Wrote:
doomteam1 Wrote:Well I am making a tileset and i will never use it so imma give it.
there are going to be things in it i thought about using and they suck bad but o well.
Here this is it sucks yes i know but this is it.

It's not hard to read, Tony. That's in the FIRST post..

Oh, I only read modesty thats why. :lol:
After this is done, will you make matching sprites and items?
Maybe sprites

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