I've been screwing around for about thirty minutes, and this is what I managed. I haven't gotten to test it, but can you guy see anything that needs to be added/taken from it?
Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Trade request packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleTradeRequest(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim z As Long
' Trade num
n = CLng(Parse(1))
' Prevent hacking
If (n MAX_TRADES) Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Trade Request Modification")
Exit Sub
End If
' Index for shop
i = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Shop
' Check if inv full
x = FindOpenInvSlot(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem)
'If the Demand Increase and Decrease = 0 Then the stock = 10
'(This is so that, an item that hasn't ever been bought, will be in stock)
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease = 0 And Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease = 0 Then
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = 10
End If
If x = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful, inventory full.", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if they have on in stock
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked > 0 Then
' Check if they have the item
If HasItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveItem) >= Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue Then
Call TakeItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue)
Call GiveItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetValue)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The trade was successful!", Yellow)
'Minus one from stock
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 1
'Add moar demand
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease + 0.1
'It's in high demand, lets give a stock increase of five.
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease > 1 Then
'Add five more to the current stock
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
End If
'No one buys it, why keep a high stock?
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease >= 1 Then
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful.", BrightRed)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This item is not in stock, at the moment!", BrightRed)
End If
End Sub
I did some chances, though I'm not sure if they'll work. :\
I need a way to make it check to see if anyone bought that item in the last day/game day.
10 minutes = 1 game hour
Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Trade request packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleTradeRequest(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim z As Long
' Trade num
n = CLng(Parse(1))
' Prevent hacking
If (n MAX_TRADES) Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Trade Request Modification")
Exit Sub
End If
' Index for shop
i = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Shop
' Check if inv full
x = FindOpenInvSlot(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem)
'If the Demand Increase and Decrease = 0 Then the stock = 10
'(This is so that, an item that hasn't ever been bought, will be in stock)
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease = 0 And Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease = 0 Then
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = 10
End If
If x = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful, inventory full.", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if they have on in stock
If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked > 0 Then
' Check if they have the item
If HasItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveItem) >= Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue Then
Call TakeItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GiveValue)
Call GiveItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(n).GetValue)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The trade was successful!", Yellow)
'Minus one from stock
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 1
'Add moar demand
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease + 0.1
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease
Case 1
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
Case 5
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 10
Case 10
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 20
End Select
'It's in high demand, lets give a stock increase of five.
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease > 1 Then
' 'Add five more to the current stock
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
'End If
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease
Case 1
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
Case 5
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 10
Case 10
Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = 0
End Select
'No one buys it, why keep a high stock?
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease >= 1 Then
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
'End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful.", BrightRed)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This item is not in stock, at the moment!", BrightRed)
End If
End Sub
I see what you are doing, and I quite like it.
The only thing I would change would be perhaps instead of checking for the restock each time its opened, check it every 10 minutes on the server - that way sometimes people may go to the shops and find what they want is actually out of stock, and have to come back 10 minutes later, instead of just closing the trade window and opening it again.
Nice work :3
Fox Wrote:I see what you are doing, and I quite like it.
The only thing I would change would be perhaps instead of checking for the restock each time its opened, check it every 10 minutes on the server - that way sometimes people may go to the shops and find what they want is actually out of stock, and have to come back 10 minutes later, instead of just closing the trade window and opening it again.
Nice work :3
Thanks. Hmm. Could I do the check in the server loop? Could you maybe give an example? (I've never messed with the server loop)
Thanks for the response, I appreciate it.
Edit, I added this to server loop, that checks every ten minutes:
Code: Private Sub UpdateShopStocks()
Dim i As Long
Dim N As Long
For i = 1 To MAX_SHOPS
For N = 1 To 8
'Handle what to do if the demand increases
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease
Case 1
'add the stock by five.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 5
Case 5
'add the stock by ten.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 10
Case 10
'add the stock by twenty
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 20
End Select
'It's in high demand, lets give a stock increase of five.
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease > 1 Then
' 'Add five more to the current stock
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
'End If
'Handle what to do if the demand decreases
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandDecrease
Case 1
'minus the stock by five.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 5
Case 5
'minus the stock by 10
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 10
Case 10
'NO stock at all
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = 0
End Select
'No one buys it, why keep a high stock?
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease >= 1 Then
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
'End If
End Sub
How's it look now?
Edit: When i try to save a shop, this gets highlighted: Code: Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetValue = CLng(Parse(N + 3))
The CLng(Parse(N=3)) part is subscript out of range.
Edit2: Can get through without the subscript out of range now, Lets test this shall we?
Lea Wrote:redim parse(n+3)
I got it covered.  ) Thanks for the response ^^
Going to test now, I think.
Lea Wrote:lol
that will let it compile, but it wont work right 
Yeah, I didn't take your fix. I started over in a newer version, and was smarter about the changes I did, and it worked on it's own.
Really lol, never found the problem then?
timster0 Wrote:Really lol, never found the problem then?
I'm pretty sure I was parsing wrong.
Subscript out of range Code: Stocked = CLng(Parse(n + 4))
I've never had problems with it, until I added
Code: Stocked = CLng(Parse(n + 4))
Increase = CLng(Parse(n + 5))
Decrease = CLng(Parse(n + 6))
To the client.
I have this in the server: Code: For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveItem = CLng(Parse(N))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveValue = CLng(Parse(N + 1))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetItem = CLng(Parse(N + 2))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetValue = CLng(Parse(N + 3))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).Stocked = CLng(Parse(N + 4))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandIncrease = CLng(Parse(N + 5))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandDecrease = CLng(Parse(N + 6))
N = N + 7
And this in the client: Code: For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
GiveItem = CLng(Parse(n))
GiveValue = CLng(Parse(n + 1))
GetItem = CLng(Parse(n + 2))
GetValue = CLng(Parse(n + 3))
Stocked = CLng(Parse(n + 4))
Increase = CLng(Parse(n + 5))
Decrease = CLng(Parse(n + 6))
If GiveItem > 0 Then
If GetItem > 0 Then
frmTrade.lstTrade.AddItem "Give " & Trim$(Shop(ShopNum).Name) & " " & GiveValue & " " & Trim$(Item(GiveItem).Name) & " for " & Trim$(Item(GetItem).Name & "(" & Stocked & ")")
End If
End If
n = n + 7
Everything seemed to work/compile correctly UNTIL I tried to get the quantity in stock show up in the shop, for each item.
Dugor Wrote:How are you sending it?
Code: frmTrade.lstTrade.AddItem "Give " & Trim$(Shop(ShopNum).Name) & " " & GiveValue & " " & Trim$(Item(GiveItem).Name) & " for " & Trim$(Item(GetItem).Name & "(" & Stocked & ")")
That's why I wanted to finish the parsing on both sides, so that I could just do this, but I don't think it would work anyways, and now everythings all screwed because of something I did wrong.
Dugor helped me with a similar problem. I just changed the clng to val..
Matt Wrote:Dugor helped me with a similar problem. I just changed the clng to val..
Same thing happens. I can't fucking figure this out. It's lame.
I meant, what is the exact packet you are sending. I'm willing to bet you aren't sending the right amount of data.
Dugor Wrote:I meant, what is the exact packet you are sending. I'm willing to bet you aren't sending the right amount of data.
Code: Public Sub SendSaveShop(ByVal ShopNum As Long)
Dim Packet As String
Dim i As Long
With Shop(ShopNum)
Packet = CSaveShop & SEP_CHAR & ShopNum & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.Name) & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.JoinSay) & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.LeaveSay) & SEP_CHAR & .FixesItems
End With
For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
With Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i)
Packet = Packet & SEP_CHAR & .GiveItem & SEP_CHAR & .GiveValue & SEP_CHAR & .GetItem & SEP_CHAR & .GetValue & SEP_CHAR & .Stocked & SEP_CHAR & .DemandIncrease & SEP_CHAR & .DemandDecrease
End With
Packet = Packet & END_CHAR
Call SendData(Packet)
End Sub
Does that help?
Only time i use it in a packet, I believe.
I can't seem to edit shops now either. I get a RTE 9 on
Code: GetItem = CLng(Parse(n + 2))
In HandleEditShop
Heres my edit shop: Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Edit shop packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleEditShop(ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ShopNum As Long
Dim GiveItem As Long
Dim GiveValue As Long
Dim GetItem As Long
Dim GetValue As Long
Dim Stocked As Long
Dim Increase As Long
Dim Decrease As Long
ShopNum = CLng(Parse(1))
' Update the shop
Shop(ShopNum).Name = Parse(2)
Shop(ShopNum).JoinSay = Parse(3)
Shop(ShopNum).LeaveSay = Parse(4)
Shop(ShopNum).FixesItems = CByte(Parse(5))
n = 6
For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
GiveItem = CLng(Parse(n))
GiveValue = CLng(Parse(n + 1))
GetItem = CLng(Parse(n + 2))
GetValue = CLng(Parse(n + 3))
Stocked = CLng(Parse(n + 4))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveItem = GiveItem
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveValue = GiveValue
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetItem = GetItem
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetValue = GetValue
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).Stocked = Stocked
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandIncrease = Increase
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandDecrease = Decrease
n = n + 5
' Initialize the shop editor
Call ShopEditorInit
End Sub
Code: Public Sub SendSaveShop(ByVal ShopNum As Long)
Dim Packet As String
Dim i As Long
With Shop(ShopNum)
Packet = CSaveShop & SEP_CHAR & ShopNum & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.Name) & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.JoinSay) & SEP_CHAR & Trim$(.LeaveSay) & SEP_CHAR & .FixesItems
End With
For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
With Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i)
Packet = Packet & SEP_CHAR & .GiveItem & SEP_CHAR & .GiveValue & SEP_CHAR & .GetItem & SEP_CHAR & .GetValue & SEP_CHAR & .Stocked & SEP_CHAR & .DemandIncrease & SEP_CHAR & .DemandDecrease
End With
Packet = Packet & END_CHAR
Call SendData(Packet)
End Sub
Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::
' :: Trade packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleTrade(ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim n As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim ShopNum As Long
Dim GiveItem As Long
Dim GiveValue As Long
Dim GetItem As Long
Dim GetValue As Long
Dim Stocked As Long
Dim Increase As Long
Dim Decrease As Long
ShopNum = CLng(Parse(1))
If CByte(Parse(2)) = 1 Then
frmTrade.lblFixItem.Visible = True
frmTrade.lblFixItem.Visible = False
End If
n = 3
For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
GiveItem = CLng(Parse(n))
GiveValue = CLng(Parse(n + 1))
GetItem = CLng(Parse(n + 2))
GetValue = CLng(Parse(n + 3))
Stocked = CLng(Parse(n + 4))
Increase = CLng(Parse(n + 5))
Decrease = CLng(Parse(n + 6))
If GiveItem > 0 Then
If GetItem > 0 Then
frmTrade.lstTrade.AddItem "Give " & Trim$(Shop(ShopNum).Name) & " " & GiveValue & " " & Trim$(Item(GiveItem).Name) & " for " & Trim$(Item(GetItem).Name & "(" & Stocked & ")")
End If
End If
n = n + 7
If frmTrade.lstTrade.ListCount > 0 Then
frmTrade.lstTrade.ListIndex = 0
End If
frmTrade.Show vbModal
End Sub
Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Save shop packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleSaveShop(ByVal Index As Long, ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim ShopNum As Long
Dim N As Long
Dim i As Long
' Prevent hacking
If GetPlayerAccess(Index) < ADMIN_DEVELOPER Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Admin Cloning")
Exit Sub
End If
ShopNum = CLng(Parse(1))
' Prevent hacking
If ShopNum < 0 Or ShopNum > MAX_SHOPS Then
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Invalid Shop Index")
Exit Sub
End If
' Update the shop
Shop(ShopNum).Name = Parse(2)
Shop(ShopNum).JoinSay = Parse(3)
Shop(ShopNum).LeaveSay = Parse(4)
Shop(ShopNum).FixesItems = CByte(Parse(5))
N = 6
For i = 1 To MAX_TRADES
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveItem = CLng(Parse(N))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GiveValue = CLng(Parse(N + 1))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetItem = CLng(Parse(N + 2))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).GetValue = CLng(Parse(N + 3))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).Stocked = CLng(Parse(N + 4))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandIncrease = CLng(Parse(N + 5))
Shop(ShopNum).TradeItem(i).DemandDecrease = CLng(Parse(N + 6))
N = N + 7
' Save it
Call SendUpdateShopToAll(ShopNum)
Call SaveShop(ShopNum)
Call AddLog(GetPlayerName(Index) & " saving shop #" & ShopNum & ".", ADMIN_LOG)
End Sub
Code: ' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
' :: Trade request packet ::
' ::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Sub HandleTradeRequest(ByVal Index As Long, _
ByRef Parse() As String)
Dim N As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim z As Long
' Trade num
N = CLng(Parse(1))
' Prevent hacking
Call HackingAttempt(Index, "Trade Request Modification")
Exit Sub
End If
' Index for shop
i = Map(GetPlayerMap(Index)).Shop
' Check if inv full
x = FindOpenInvSlot(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GetItem)
'If the Demand Increase and Decrease = 0 Then the stock = 10
'(This is so that, an item that hasn't ever been bought, will be in stock)
If Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease = 0 And Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandDecrease = 0 Then
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = 10
End If
If x = 0 Then
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful, inventory full.", BrightRed)
Exit Sub
End If
'Check to see if they have on in stock
If Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked > 0 Then
' Check if they have the item
If HasItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GiveItem) >= Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GiveValue Then
Call TakeItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GiveItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GiveValue)
Call GiveItem(Index, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GetItem, Shop(i).TradeItem(N).GetValue)
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "The trade was successful!", Yellow)
'Minus one from stock
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 1
'Add moar demand
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease + 0.1
' Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease
' Case 1
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 5
' Case 5
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 10
' Case 10
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 20
' End Select
' 'It's in high demand, lets give a stock increase of five.
' 'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease > 1 Then
' ' 'Add five more to the current stock
' ' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
' 'End If
' Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandDecrease
' Case 1
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 5
' Case 5
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 10
' Case 10
' Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = 0
' End Select
'No one buys it, why keep a high stock?
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease >= 1 Then
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
'End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "Trade unsuccessful.", BrightRed)
End If
Call PlayerMsg(Index, "This item is not in stock, at the moment!", BrightRed)
End If
End Sub
Code: Private Sub UpdateShopStocks()
Dim i As Long
Dim N As Long
For i = 1 To MAX_SHOPS
For N = 1 To 8
'Handle what to do if the demand increases
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandIncrease
Case 1
'add the stock by five.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 5
Case 5
'add the stock by ten.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 10
Case 10
'add the stock by twenty
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked + 20
End Select
'It's in high demand, lets give a stock increase of five.
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandIncrease > 1 Then
' 'Add five more to the current stock
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked + 5
'End If
'Handle what to do if the demand decreases
Select Case Shop(i).TradeItem(N).DemandDecrease
Case 1
'minus the stock by five.
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 5
Case 5
'minus the stock by 10
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked - 10
Case 10
'NO stock at all
Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(N).Stocked = 0
End Select
'No one buys it, why keep a high stock?
'If Shop(i).TradeItem(n).DemandDecrease >= 1 Then
' Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked = Shop(i).TradeItem(n).Stocked - 5
'End If
End Sub
Code: If Tick > LastUpdateShopStocks Then
LastUpdateShopStocks = GetTickCount + 600000
End If
Triple post o.O
Anyways GIAKEN helped me figure it out. It was so fucking obvious I'm ashamed to even post here anymore. I'll probably start a new topic with the new problems I have.
Someone lox this pl0x