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Run Time Error Fixes
Run Time Error Fixes

Press CTRL + F to search for a Run Time Error.

Great site for getting dlls and ocx files that the client/server says you dont have:


Run-Time Error 2:
ex) This error occures for me when starting up the server. After the spells load the error appears with no description.


Run-Time Error 5:

This is a nuisance bug. Sometimes it occurs but is not consistently repeatable. Usually, it goes away if you just re-open the client and try to connect again. Sometimes it takes several tries. It seems to happen
periodically and then it disappears. For me, it happened the ifrst time I tried to login everytime for a month or so, then it stopped. The cause of this is unknown.

Call functions with proper parameters that will be valid in the function's body.


Run-Time Error 6:
When creating a character, make sure you choose a starting location.
When creating a character, there is a page where you pick the character name and class. At the bottom of that little screen is a blank light blue drop down menu. You must use it to select a starting location. If you do not, you will get the Run Time Error 6 as soon as you hit ok.
Can occur due to large amount of packets sending from the client to the server.

Question: Ok this happens JUST after I have put in one new sprite under all the other sprites in Sprite.bmp. Please help. Oh and this occurs when I try to make a new char, and even when I undo what I did with the new sprite and Sprite.bmp is how it was when you get it, I still get the Error. Possible Answer: I don't exactly know how to fix this, but you could try making sure that the sprites.bmp is at the exact specifications it should be:
Width- 224
Height- 9728
If the file does not match this, make the neccesary changes in paint.

Can be because a .txt, .ini or .bin in you server folder could be messed up, try to replace some or check them all.


Run-Time Error 7 - Out of Memory:

This has NOTHING to do with too many applications running or not enough RAM on your PC. It is a Windows XP only problem. From what was said before, Miscrosoft does not always fully explain the differences between all the OS. This seems to be fall out from that.

Warning: Do not do this unless you are knowledgeable about installing an OS. If you do it wrong, you will erase all your files. Also, this bug works the majority of the time. It worked for me 3 out of 3 times, but it does not work for everyone. If it does not work for you, then there is no known fix for you.

This is most often easily fixed it easily by re-running the Windows XP setup disk in upgrade mode. It does not erase any files in repair mode. DO NOT RUN IT IN NEW INSTALLATION MODE OR YOU WILL ERASE ALL YOUR FILES.

How to do this.

1) Place the Windows XP setup diosk in the drive while the PC is already running Windows XP. A welcome screen appears.
2) Click Install Windows XP
3) Choose "Upgrade (Recommended)" This will not damage any files
4) Continue to follow the on screen instructions. Each PC is different so I can not give you anymore details from here on out, but it is straight forward.

If this fails to work, then your only option is to install another Operating System. Otherwise, you will not be able to play on any Playerworlds

Update: A player has noticed that if you register every dll file in the folder, that it fixes the error. Three other players that he had try it reported success.

For the buggy version, this error will come up if you try to transfer maps over from the milestone edition. DO NOT TRANSFER OVER MAPS, gsd is currently working on a converter for the maps. Till then, sit tight.

Having an extremely long array defined as a UDT that consists of many bytes is extremely memory-hogging.

Run-Time Error 9 - Script Out of Range:
This error is uknown, re-open your client continuous times and it should go away.

This is a nuisance bug. Sometimes it occurs but is not consistently repeatable. Usually, it goes away if you just re-open the client and try to connect again. Sometimes it takes several tries. The cause of this is unknown.

Going past the limits of an array's index calls this error. Normally caused by the infamous "Fence-Post" mistake that all programmers are prone to making. Google it up, I've explained it too many times.


Run-Time Error 13 - Types Mismatch:
This happens often, so I got a lot information for you.
Look, if Anyone needs and Support Files that your missing go here:

Try reinstalling some .dll files. The one time I got this error was after I uninstalled a game and I think by uninstalling it some important files I needed for my playerworlds game got removed. Also you can try restarting your computer because sometimes that works. I'm sorry but this is about all I have as advice.

Some info about type mismatch:

This error means, that two variables did not have the same type. There are two bis groups of variables: Numbers and strings.

Numbers contain (yeh, who would have thought that?) numbers! There are some different types of number vars, the most commonly used are integer (whole numbers, no comma) and real (numbers including commas).

Integer: var = 1127367
Real: var = 23478.21

The strings are variables that store letters and words, no numbers. One of the most usual problems with strings is, that people assume if you set a string for example to "42" it is a number. That is wrong. It still is a string, only consisting of letters. A computer does not know this is a number, when it is written in a string. The normal symbol to identify a string within code is the $.

var$ = "TheUberString"
var$ = "42, the answer to everything"

The type mismatch error means, that you are trying to compare two varibales of the wrong type (e.g. real with string) which is not possible. It may also occur when you input a word in an INI or script that would have required a number at this point.

statpoints = lots

This can mean that the porgram isnt able to download maps and write them into the folder, this could happen if the folder is read only or if its on a disk.

Type mismatch is only caused if you have (for example) declared a long and you type a string.

Dim number As Long
number = text1.text

This will cause a runtime error 13.
What you need to do is the following:

Dim number As Long
number = CLng(text1.text)

Runtime error 13 solved!


Run-Time Error 16:

This error is caused by your screen settings for color being set to high. This may be related to your graphics card's limitations. To fix it, right click on your desktop, choose properties, and then settings. Next, set the color setting to a lower one such as High Color-16 bit.

Right click on your desktop, choose properties, and then settings. Next, set the color setting to a lower one such as High Color-16 bit.


Run-Time Error 52:
Mostly coding side:
Bad File Name or Number on this line:

Open "C:\temp\sprite" & Index & ".bmp" For Binary Access Write As #intFile
Make intfile = freefile


Run-Time Error 53 - Can not find Tiles.Bmp

This error is caused by your server owner not taking into account the graphics limit for Windows 98. The graphics they distribute are too large to work with Windows 98. This happens on Windows 98 computers only as far as I know. They fix is quick and easy.

1.) Open tiles.bmp in the client folder.

2.) Make sure it opens in Paint. If it does not open in Paint automatically, right click on tiles.bmp and click Edit. If that doesnt work, then right click tiles.bmp and go into the Open With... submenu, and if paint is in there, click it, if it isnt, click Choose Program... and click browse, then go to "C:\WINDOWS\system32\" and double click on the "mspaint" icon. Then click ok.

3.) Once in Paint, click Image (ALT+I), Then click Attributes. OR you can just hold control and hit E when you open paint.

4.) Once in the Attributes menu, edit it to look like the following:
Width- 224
Height- 9728
Units- Pixels
Colors- Colors

5.) Then click OK.

6.) Then click File, Save, or hold control and hit S.

Other: This also happens with Windows ME. Usually only happens to me when I have a tile.bmp or sprites.bmp over 20000 pixels in height.


Run Time Error 62:
Input past end of file. Could be bugs in the scripting part.
Sometimes it happens to the likes of banlist.ini, where it can't get data because there's a blank line.

FIX: Check for blank lines or empty spaces (between variables) in your files
Alternate: Restart your server once a day, at least.


Run-Time Error 75:

This happens when u give someone a disk with the game on it and they attempt to run it from the disk. When the client attempts to download a map, it cant write it to the "maps" folder and generates a error.


Run-Time Error 76 - Path Not Found:

This seems to reference the GUI.bmp most often. Make sure that the file is in your GFX (graphics) folder. IF it is then proceed to the next step. All you have to do is re-unzip your Player Worlds file. It is best if you rename your old folder where the client is. This will give you a fresh slate. After the re-installation is complete and it works, you can simply delete the old client folder that you renamed.

Make sure you saved your GUI files in the GUI folder, as well as GFX.


Run-Time Error 326:
Resource with identifier 'VERSION' not found. Could appear for people trying to play your game, most often if they got a outdated version.


Run-Timer Error 336:
Unknown. If you get it explain where and what you did.


Run-Time Error 339:

Richtx32.ocx is a file that is necessary for Visual Basic applications. It is a file that must be on your PC and must registered. Simply having it on your PC is not enough. It MUST be registered. Below is a very easy way to register this file. Once you get the aut-registering program, you can use it anytime you need to register a file. ...

Extract to your client folder, and for future uses, make a copy to system32.

You may want to register it: Start > Run > Regsvr32 Richtx32.ocx


Run-Time Error 372 - MSComm32.ocx:

MSComm32.ocx is a file that must be on your PC and must registered. Simply having it on your PC is not enough. It MUST be registered. Below is a very easy way to register this file. Once you get the aut-registering program, you can use it anytime you need to register a file. ...

Extract to system32.

You may want to register it: Start > Run > Regsvr32 MSComm32.ocx


Run-Time Error 373 - TABCTL32.ocx:

TABCTL32.ocx is a file that is necessary for the two way NPC chat system. It is a file that must be on your PC and must registered. Simply having it on your PC is not enough. It MUST be registered. Below is a very easy way to register this file. Once you get the aut-registering program, you can use it anytime you need to register a file. ...

Extract to system32.

You may want to register it: Start > Run > Regsvr32 TABCTL32.ocx


Runtime Error 380 - Invalid Property Value

This happens ex) because your character got to much experience at once, which lead to overload of packets, which crashed the game/server.

The problem is that there is to many packets sending from the client to the server. So it's just a temporary bug.

FIX: putting msscript.ocx into your windows>system32 folder, then right click on it and Register it
Alternate: Unknown


Run-Time Error 401 - With Flash:
FIX: Get flash.ocx
Alternate: Install Flash?


Run-Time Error 404: File not found
Most common is that you are missing a file which is needed to run the game/program.
If you get it explain where and what you did.


Run-Time Error 429 - ActiveX Cannot Create Component:

You have to do 3 things:
1.) Set your color to 16 bit.
2.) Start > Run > Regsvr32.exe Dao350.dll.
3.) Start > Run > Regsvr32.exe dx7vb.dll.

That should fix it, but if not then download latest DirectX.

If you don't have the required DLL's, then here are links:


If that don't work:
Set your color to 16 Bit, and download the following .DLL files - -


Run-Time Error - 429 - License Information for this component not found. You do not have an appropiate license to use this functionality in this design environment.

This is a fairly common problem.. The following are a couple of the causes of the problem.

1) You don't have the correct edition of VB 6.. (Student/Teacher? I don't know all the different versions..)
2) You uninstalled an application using an uninstaller that was set to automatically unregister components. (There is a fix for this one... Just search for like "License Information for this component not found." on any search site..)


Run-Time Error 457 - This key is already associated with an element of this collection:

The error is caused by incorrect handling of the parsing of a filter expression that contains a misspelled object name; for example, as opposed to
To resolve this problem, apply the latest Site Server 3.0 service pack.
To work around this problem, correct the spelling error.

Microsoft has confirmed this to be a problem in Site Server version 3.0. This problem has been corrected in the latest U.S. service pack for Microsoft Site Server version 3.0. For Information on obtaining the service pack, query on the following word in the Microsoft Knowledge Base (without the spaces):


Run-Time Error 480:

This error is easy to fix. Just try both of these options:
1.) Change your color to 16 bit.
2.) Try replacing the graphics in your graphics folder with different graphics.

Error with EXP given by NPCs (slots 1 and 4 error)
FIX: For now just use slots 2 and 3 for NPCs, make them go from lowest to highest EXP
Alternate: try moving your NPC down a number in the NPC.ini list.(the one that gives you the error


Run-Time Error 713:

MSSTDFMT.DLL is a file that must be on your PC and must registered. Simply having it on your PC is not enough. It MUST be registered. Below is a very easy way to register this file. Once you get the aut-registering program, you can use it anytime you need to register a file.

Extract to system32.

You may want to register it: Start > Run > Regsvr32 MSSTDFMT.DLL

You need a required .DLL download it from this URL -


Socket Errors:

Quote:Socket error 10004 - Interrupted function call
Socket error 10013 - Permission denied
Socket error 10014 - Bad address
Socket error 10022 - Invalid argument
Socket error 10024 - Too many open files
Socket error 10035 - Resource temporarily unavailable
Socket error 10036 - Operation now in progress
Socket error 10037 - Operation already in progress
Socket error 10038 - Socket operation on non-socket
Socket error 10039 - Destination address required
Socket error 10040 - Message too long
Socket error 10041 - Protocol wrong type for socket
Socket error 10042 - Bad protocol option
Socket error 10043 - Protocol not supported
Socket error 10044 - Socket type not supported
Socket error 10045 - Operation not supported
Socket error 10046 - Protocol family not supported
Socket error 10047 - Address family not supported by protocol family
Socket error 10048 - Address already in use
Socket error 10049 - Cannot assign requested address
Socket error 10050 - Network is down
Socket error 10051 - Network is unreachable
Socket error 10052 - Network dropped connection on reset
Socket error 10053 - Software caused connection abort
Socket error 10054 - Connection reset by peer
Socket error 10055 - No buffer space available
Socket error 10056 - Socket is already connected
Socket error 10057 - Socket is not connected
Socket error 10058 - Cannot send after socket shutdown
Socket error 10060 - Connection timed out
Socket error 10061 - Connection refused
Socket error 10064 - Host is down
Socket error 10065 - No route to host
Socket error 10067 - Too many processes
Socket error 10091 - Network subsystem is unavailable
Socket error 10092 - WINSOCK.DLL version out of range
Socket error 10093 - Successful WSAStartup not yet performed

Socket error 10094 - Graceful shutdown in progress
Socket error 11001 - Host not found
Socket error 11002 - Non-authoritative host not found
Socket error 11003 - This is a non-recoverable error
Socket error 11004 - Valid name, no data record of requested type

More is below:

Run-Time Error 10022
Socket not bound. (Chould not be able to happen for Engine Users. But if you get it explain where and what you did.


Run-Time Error 10048 - Address In Use:

This error happens when your server is already running. Usually this only happens for the people who exit out of explorer.exe, and then open it again later, and find that the server.exe proccess in the taskbar is gone.

1.) Press Ctrl + Alt + Delete.

2.) Goto Processes.

3.) Find and stop server.exe.

4.) Restart your server.

5.) The server icon should now be in your taskbar.

FIX: You ran more than one server, close all running servers and restart it.


Run-Time Error 10049
Address is not available from the local machine. No solution yet.
If you get it explain where and what you did.


10057 - Socket Not Connected

Did you install a new version of Eudora? That can change things.
Do you have Windows XP Service Pack 2?
Do you have a Firewall? If you have XP Service Pack 2 there IS a firewall.

Answer/Solution: A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket) no address was supplied.


Run-Time Error 10061:
When I try to connect I get error 10061 - Connection forcefully rejected, what does this mean?
This error comes up if the machine you are connecting to does not have the Remote-X server running on it, you could have typed the IP address wrongly, or the person running the server does not have the Remote-X server loaded.

FIX: Disable Windows Firewall


Run-Time Error 40006:
Wrong protocol or connection state for the requested transaction or request.


Run-Time Error 346000
ex) When my server crashes I think its this error I get or something similar.
If you get it explain where and what you did.


Run-Time Error -2005532052 (8876026c) - Automation Error

1 Reason: Well I put in tthe thing for bliting hp and mp bars, which was fine. Then I put in the weather code and now it's giving me the error.
Possible Fix: Did you do 'GetDC' prior to calling BltPlayerBars?
If so, you'll need to ReleaseDC prior to using the directdraw drawing functions.
His Fix: Had to set the TexthDC variable, draw my names, then release it, draw my fringe layer, set my TexthDC variable again, then release at the bottom of the game loop. May be an easier way but this works.


Run-Time Error -2005532109

What happens: (error on these)
Set DD_BackBuffer = DD.CreateSurface(DDSD_BackBuffer)
Says that DD_BackBuffer = Nothing
Fix: Install your video drivers.


Run-Time Error -2147024770 (8007007e):

re-registers cmcs21.ocx


The specified module can not be found:

This problem occurs because the Microsoft Windows Script engine is corrupted.

To resolve this problem, update your computer with the latest version of Windows Script Host. To do this, visit the following Microsoft Web site: ... laylang=en

• Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Standard Edition
• Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 Professional Edition
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Architect
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Enterprise Developer
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003 Academic Edition
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 Professional Edition
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 Enterprise Architect
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 Enterprise Developer
• Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002 Academic Edition



Regsvr32.exe dx7vb.dll it should stop the error once it\'s registered
Get this file: and unzip it.

Find "ActiveX right click". Right Click it and "register" Next
Find dx7vb.dll and Register it too.


Run-Time Error -2147467259:
[microsoft][ODBC DRIVER MANAGER] Data source name not found and no deafault driver specified.

I get this error if I leave the server computer idle for a period of say 6-8hours.. The only way i've seen that fixes it is to re-initiate connections to the database. However, I'm positive this is the worst way to do it. Does anyone know any other ways to avoid this error?

Other: Well assuming your using windows, i'd blame it all on that lol, but I dont have a real solution (Although you could try checking the windows services since I remember seeing a service with ODBC in there somewhere) anyway, you could just try refreshing every idle connection every 30 min or so


Run-Time Error - 2005532292 (8876017c):
I had to redo all my tile sets, so they had a correct size. Which seems strange to me. =/

Set DD_TileSurf(i) = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\tiles" & i & ".bmp", DDSD_Tile(i))

The problem to this might be the windows, so try to do this:
Start>Run>regsvr32 dx7vb.dll


Not Run Time Error Bugs:

Sprite walks away, Screen doesnt move
FIX: /respawn or /refresh
Alternate: If your admin set your sprite


Slide out forever:
(map rescrolls over and over) (randomly happens, mostly when you walk into a blocked tile after mapping)
FIX: /respawn
Alternate: Admins use warp command (/warto map#)


Bad lag:
FIX: use the ip form , not your router address
Alternate: Upgrade your computer is a better choise.


Stuck on map retrieve:
FIX: /respawn

Other Useful Links:

Needed File:

DLL Files:
- ... -files.htm

OCX Files:

Note: Always scan all files before opening them.

Thanks for reading, and hope this helps.
This is built from the old Konfuze list. Althouh Ive been on pretty much all forums and went through their bug topics.

Maybe so, but still the bigger list, the better.
Yea the list does look bigger then standard playerworld text, and imo playerworlds is poorly programmed, like wtf is up with spellmasks, can easily do it anotherway without masks.

Mind you, I also dont understand why ms doesnt totally use directx, if someone doesnt give a good reason then that might be my next tut
Im gonna start easing everyone into wxWidgets, SDL and C++ soon, dont get thm working all hard on DirectX :-p
funky, you mean drawing all the forms and stuff in dx?

on topic: is this the same list that you had for phoenix?
funkynut Wrote:Yea the list does look bigger then standard playerworld text, and imo playerworlds is poorly programmed, like wtf is up with spellmasks, can easily do it anotherway without masks.

Mind you, I also dont understand why ms doesnt totally use directx, if someone doesnt give a good reason then that might be my next tut

Mind you I dont understand why MS has to repaint the whole entire screen EVERY single loop. It would go so much faster if it only did it when things changed, and then, only change the things that did change. I know in java it calls paint when the window needs to well be repainted, there has to be something in vb similar to that. I should know too, ive used VB more xD.
Mis, i've been researching that for a while, and if you can honestly find a way to do it, i'll be extremely impressed. If you can figure it out, please let me know.
Obsidian Wrote:Mis, i've been researching that for a while, and if you can honestly find a way to do it, i'll be extremely impressed. If you can figure it out, please let me know.

Hmm, can it really be that hard. If I understood you right Missunderstood, you mean that if yourplayer stats still and there is only one otehr npc on the board, it will only repaint the tiles that the npc is on when he moves.Nothing else? If so..

.. We shouldprobably make a new thing like this:
npc(num).RePaint = True or False

And when they move, it becomes True. (Boolean)

And now the other thing that needs to be changed is the blt subs. Which is kinda the difficult part. If we then take the ground for example...hmm, damn it got hard now.. ehh, when a player moves, the only thing that will need to be repainted is the ground he walks on. So therefore we need to modify that sub so it checks something like:
If Player(MyIndex).Repaint = True Then
' Get X and Y...
End if

Shouldn't that work. Im not really good with this, I just had a small idea, tell me if Im all off the subject now.
Its quite easy to do obsidian, its a technique called dirty blocks (or something). All you do is mark an invisible rectangle round anything thats changed, for example, if you move a sprite, mark a rectangle round its new and old spot, then when you goto blt, you only blt from the rectangles over onto the screen, which covers the where the old sprite so that its cleared, and then draws new sprite on...

Impressed yet Big Grin (Actually, thats not exactly it I think, but Its something along them lines)

And by not using dx I mean, why does it use the bitblt api at all? I managed to use dx to blt into picture boxes in my Treasure Chest tut because it needed you to load tiles.bmp and thats usually a massive file.

That could be a nice easy little tut to make, converting everything over to dx, unless anyone has a good reason why not. Think about how much memory could be saved...
but you can use bitblt and blt directly the files, like the tiles directly from the DX surface. Smile

Both bitblt and dx! no extra loading Tongue
Directly from file? You mean without the loading into new picture box thing?
Ya, we used a method in KoC that everythign had to be laoded once, and after that we loaded form the alreayd made surfaces, instea do making a new pcturebox for every form
just get the DC from the dx surface.

I never said directly from file....

But yes, without loading into a new picture box thing.
Yea I was thinking from another dx surface, thats what I used for my chest tut, but I must of misread one of your posts and was like, omgz, he can load straight from file

Anyway, I might make a tut for that later if I have time, I got to goto bed early today, gotta go cupboard hunting tomorrow. My desks collapsing (dont wanna break my expensive computer) and my cupboards split in half from me falling into it Big Grin
yay loading from surface is in the tutorial for optimizing editor loading :-p
God, I gotta start looking at what tuts there are on mse XD
hehe i jsut posted it today lol.
Run-Time Error - 2005532292 (8876017c):
I had to redo all my tile sets, so they had a correct size. Which seems strange to me. =/

Set DD_TileSurf(i) = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\tiles" & i & ".bmp", DDSD_Tile(i))

The problem to this might be the windows, so try to do this:
Start>Run>regsvr32 dx7vb.dll

This errors driving me nuts, im wasted basically a day trying to fix it but no good news yet.
Please help as I want to create a project with Mirage Source, and I can't start coding if the client/server aren't stable.
I didn't have this error before, I don't why im suddenly getting this error.

Sorry for necro-posting but not everything is correct here.
DId it happen when you tried to open MS or after you did changes to the game?
Junkyoner Wrote:Run-Time Error - 2005532292 (8876017c):
I had to redo all my tile sets, so they had a correct size. Which seems strange to me. =/

Set DD_TileSurf(i) = DD.CreateSurfaceFromFile(App.Path & "\GFX\tiles" & i & ".bmp", DDSD_Tile(i))

The problem to this might be the windows, so try to do this:
Start>Run>regsvr32 dx7vb.dll

This errors driving me nuts, im wasted basically a day trying to fix it but no good news yet.
Please help as I want to create a project with Mirage Source, and I can't start coding if the client/server aren't stable.
I didn't have this error before, I don't why im suddenly getting this error.

Sorry for necro-posting but not everything is correct here.

No need to post this here AND in it's own thread. It's okay, we can see one or the other. You'll get a response as soon as someone knows wtf is wrong.


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