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Basic Notes / Log / Diary
Author: ? (unknown)
Difficulty: 1/5

On frmMirage, make a pictureBox called picKeepNotes, and a button called KeepNotes. Add:
Private Sub KeepNotes_Click()
picKeepNotes.Visible = True
End Sub

Make a txtbox named Notetext on picture, and 2 buttons. Add:
Private Sub Save_Click()
Dim iFileNum As Integer

'Get a free file handle
iFileNum = FreeFile

'If the file is not there, one will be created
'If the file does exist, this one will
'overwrite it.
Open App.Path & "\notes.txt" For Output As iFileNum

Print #iFileNum, Notetext.Text

Close iFileNum

End Sub

Private Sub Close_Click()
picKeepNotes.Visible = False
End Sub

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