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Dark Knite Engine
Hey guys I got kind of bored and decided to release the 1.4.2 version of dark knite, though some features were not re-added when I downgraded from MSB1-to-ms3.0.3. I have not really had much time to work on it though because I am working on a 2d DX9 C++ game(which is a bitch!) but here's the engine.


Here are the pictures, there also on the site.
We are taking new pics, they will be up soon
Finished for next version
Currently being worked on
Here's the link.

Here's the feature list

I changed out all of the Mirage Source logo's into Dark Knite logo's

Visual Banks
Loading % when starting server
Clean Client Folder
Clean Server Folder
Fill and Clear Buttons
Item Names Above Them When Dropped
Spawn Npc Attribute
Enter Password Twice to Delete Accounts
Enter Password Twice On New Account
Set other players sprites & Button on Admin Panel
Jail players & button On Admin Panel
frmAdmin Panel
Increase Max Map NPC's
Server Status On main Menu
Heal HP Attribute
Heal MP Attribute
Heal SP Attribute
Attacking tiredness
Movement tiredness
Music Demo
Looping Music
Private Messaging
Jail System
Extra Layers
Arena Map Moral
Hotel Map Moral
text in Chat box instead of frmmirage
New Interface
Increased characters per account
Npcs Names above them
Live Stats
Custom Experience
Removed frmTraining
Added Buttons To picStats to use remaining stat points
lblpoints to see how many you have left
Player to Player Trading
Display Sprites On Character Create
Show Accounts/Players online serverside
Warp Spell Type
Multiple Drops
Dawn/Day/Evening/Night (thanks to Forte)
Customizable GUI
Quests (thanks To help from Sonire and Forte)
HP Bars on MainScreen
Visual Inventory, with Visual Equiped
Npc's drop single or multiple items
Added extra Item Types (boots, Gloves)
Memorize Spell
32x64 Npc's, and Sprites
Remember id, and pw on login
Added FrmIpConfig
Removed picGuild and added to the stats pic
Customizable Game Name
Kill player Attribute
News System
Set NpcHp, and NpcExp
MapEditor Selector
Can't run anymore if SP runs out
Radar Maps
PaperDoll(only armors for now)
Moveable picture boxes
Open shop on left click
Forget spell
Requirements To Use Item(str, Def, Magi, Speed)
Visual Spells
Fullscreen option
New item requirments(Access,Class)
New Quest requirment(Class)
Guild Members Online List
Class Descriptions
Semi-advanced server menu
.Dll/.Ocx registration program
Visual Parties
Change Password
improved(slightly)Private Messaging

25 x 20 scrolling maps
Guild creation removed check that wouldn't allow uses to make guilds only admins
Set messages for ShopKeepers, and Friendly npc's(use the cannot attack npc message now)
Particle System

Npc Attacksay
Destroy Banlist
Error Message & Shutdown
Target Type
Spell Type AddSP
Update Item
Server Shutdown Timer
Item Type Key
Item Equip Requirment
Spell Level Requirment
Delete Account
Map Respawn after editing a map
Blting on the Item, and Npc editors
Blting the shield image on visual equipment
Delete char
Server loading %
MapEditor Bug
Proper Walking
Spell Casting
Class Names
Map editor fill button
Bank(accepts all items now)
SpellLvl Requirments
NpcHp Bars
Admin panel
Open shops on click(readded items to list everytime you clicked the npc)
Spell's didn't save
Charlist.txt didn't save

Don't Blt when Minimized
Don't regen when full
Converted to Binary
Replaced Trim with Trim$
Replaced ChrW with ChrW$
Replaced Mid with Mid$
Lowered Max_Chars from 10 to 3
Replacd Left with Left$
Replaced Right with Right$
Replaced Mid with Mid$
Visual Banks constantly looped through(only looped through every half a second now)
Replaced all Next(Variable) With just Next
Replaced all """ To vbNullString
Cleaned up some DX coding

Prevent Duplicate Accounts Online at Once

let me know what you think
Prevent Duplicate Accounts Online at Once
changed Parse to Parse$ to improve server & client speed.

(To change game Name)
Go in to Data, and find Config, it holds your[configip] IP and [cofig] Game Name, change the game name to whatever you want. and change your Ip and port in side the game through IPConfig
Looks pretty cool.
Thanks, are you new or new name? there will be more features coming soon if I get away from the C++ one.
He has a low post count so he is probably new and those are some cool features is it open source or closed
Ravuya Wrote:He has a low post count so he is probably new and those are some cool features is it open source or closed

It's Closed Source. :S
Thank you for pointing that out I forgot to add the link to the open-source one, but it's up there now if your interested in having another peak at the O-S version.
Got any screenshots of it?
Ok I stopped being lazy and updated my post with some screenies for you guys, so you do not have to download it to see it.
Yes I got it working, it kind of helps that I am not using MSE I am using 3.0.3, I happen to be more capable of a programer then yourself. And I released the new version the links at the bottom of my first post, and I guess I'll post it again I updated the list on the first post aswell.
is the mini map in this one?
No I have not worked the rest of the issues with the Directx out, but I am hopefully going to have it ready within the next couple of days.
Well, if more interest is shown in this engine I am hoping to stick with it, especially now, thanks to the help provided by Forte.
Ok, I was wondering whats diffrent between your engine and the others? I am posting because I am going to use your engine, because it has acouple of features that I want to use in my game. But I was wondering if you could develop some features for strictly me to use? Or are you just building a general engine? And if it is just a general engine, could I bother you for the current source?
Hey, thanks for choosing my engine Savages, I am not giving out the source yet, I am writting a game as we speak so it's closed source. I will be releasing more versions and to answer your question.

1. This is a engine I am working on for myself.
2. It is closed source for a reason.
3. It is General engine for everyone else.

The new version will be out soon enough so, I would suggest not mapping to much, or remember how everything looks, I have some extra's that I am working on for the new release hopefully someone might be enthusiastic about, if you have questions PM.
Looking great! When your done are you going to make a nice GUI for it?
I am going to work out a general GUI for it, and then a custom one for myself. I will hopefully have it finished enough to start making my game sonn enough but I have to work out pets and NPC spells first. So you are aware I have kind of put a hold on treasure chests and Player Housing to make the game more visual, such as inventory, spells, bank.
I'll wait as long as I have to. I'm gonna use this for my game as well.
Haha, thank you.
newest link was added up above, check it out!
is there an earlier version of O-S I can use? Because I would really like to use this and I can't change the horrible colors Tongue.
You want a earlier version the O.S. that is there? I don't have one from a earlier time. Go to my site and look around, there is some source there.
I downloaded it and I cant find out how to make a Guild.
Press f4 then key in your player name and the guild name you want. And f5 other wise to check your guild if you don't want to use the other buttons.
Thanks! Well, I'm gonna start making a game with it now.
Hold off for a little bit, justin is making some bug fixes for the engine.

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