13-08-2009, 05:00 PM
Hi all.
I've tryied to make and Admin Panel, one of the buttons is SetPlayerSprite, but i have a Bug(Think) that the Sprite change only in my Screen, the other player isn't affectend and i that player relogin i seet as alwas, there was no change, also y tryed to add a new line in the code SendSetSprite, but this sub only works whith who had use the command, my Request is if some one could Fix it for me.
The code that i use is this one
Note: Label4 is one label that say is the player was found or no.
Text1 is a TextBox where the Name of the Player must be put on.
Text2 is the value of the Sprite for the change.
Well i think thats all 4 now.
Tnxs in advance and, tnxs 4 readind.
PD: Srry mi Bad Englis.
PD2 I use MS 3.79 V
I've tryied to make and Admin Panel, one of the buttons is SetPlayerSprite, but i have a Bug(Think) that the Sprite change only in my Screen, the other player isn't affectend and i that player relogin i seet as alwas, there was no change, also y tryed to add a new line in the code SendSetSprite, but this sub only works whith who had use the command, my Request is if some one could Fix it for me.
The code that i use is this one
Private Sub Command15_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim foundplayer As Boolean
foundplayer = False
For i = 1 To MAX_PLAYERS
If GetPlayerName(i) = CStr(Text1.Text) Then
foundplayer = True
Label4.Visible = False
Call SetPlayerSprite(i, CLng(Text2.Text))
Exit For
End If
If foundplayer = False Then
Label4.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
Text1 is a TextBox where the Name of the Player must be put on.
Text2 is the value of the Sprite for the change.
Well i think thats all 4 now.
Tnxs in advance and, tnxs 4 readind.
PD: Srry mi Bad Englis.
PD2 I use MS 3.79 V