02-10-2008, 02:55 AM
A Little about myself :wink:
My Name is John (I've also gone by Tallen, Quake, Forte and Red) I've been around MS for about 2-3 years now. None of you here know me besides Sonire really. I sort of lurk around (fear of not being accepted by everyone :roll: ) I try to post every now and then to help the community out and express my opinion and just be part of things.
I've been working on this project (On and Off) for about 3 months now. Been working with VB for about 2 years. Didn't learn anything from the first year since all I did were C/P. I've actually learned alot of the past few months. Been working on my own features which stared from manipulating already existing features, and well now here I am!
Game Aspects:
Plot/Gameplay/Ideas: The plot hasn't been decided yet since there isn't a story written yet. I do plan on making the game play along the lines of a ORPG/Dungeon Crawler. The way I aim for my game play to be is somewhat of a mixture between Golden Sun and some aspects of Zelda: 4S/LTTP. Anyone who has played a Golden Sun (GBA) game will know the style of game i like. I want the game like to be an old style Zelda dungeon crawler. Tackling obstacles, puzzles and enemies to gain access to new areas. (Making very good use of the Key system already implemented) Players will travel through dungeons with other players, or alone to unravel the storyline of the game. I wanna make the main target of the game, cooperation. Cooperating with friends shall be the only way to beat certain levels. Such as a dungeon with a party system. You'll need more than 1 player to beat the amount of enemies within the given time. Or you'll need one player to stand on a switch while an archer shoots at another. Many possibilities.
Graphics: I aim for the graphics to be similar to the cute look of Golden Sun. http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/artic..._med_2.jpg Graphics will be a huge impact. Visual Spell Animations as well as sounds will bring the game to life!
Mapping: Mapping will be done by me unless I find people willing to map. Maps are pretty big, and will be seamless scrolling. By the time i'm done working on them.
Base Source: MS 3.0.3
Programmer: Myself
GFX Artist: Looking to Help!
WebMaster: Looking to Help!
Writer: Looking to Help!
Musician(Does Sounds too): Looking to Help!
Quick Note to the Coders of Mirage Source;
Many features I have added over the course of working on this project were contributed from many of the members of the MS community. I'm afraid it would take long to give credit to them all while listing the features (I will list as many as i remember) but for the others i couldn't, Thank you for your resources, this project would be nothing without all you!
Player Side Features:
- Visual Spells
- 16x32 Sprites, 16x16 Tiles, 64x64 Npcs
- Day/Night System using Alphablending
- Destroyable Tiles (ex. breaking down a stone to clear a path)
- Quest System
- Email required upon account creation (is checked for actual email)
- Simple Customization (Head and Body only)
- Face System (Players are assigned Faces corresponding to what head they choose)(Face system is used for talking to NPC's)
- Face System (NPC's)(NPC's are assigned face's aswell, used for when a player is chatting with an NPC)
- Player to player trading
- Block Pushing system (Credit to Ambientiger)
- Advanced Walking system
Admin Side Feautres:
- Quest Editor
- Advanced Admin Control Panel
- Right Click Warping for easy access to any area if nessecary[spoiler]- Items:
- Item Rarity (1-5)
- Equipable Bonuses (Add Strength, Speed etc.)
- Item Description
- Can attach quest to Npc
- Can attach speech to Npc
- Set NPC HP and Experience
- Set NPC Face
- Set NPC SpriteSize
- Removed Speed and Magic
- Movement Frequency (Credit to Dugor)
- Map Editing changed for easier mapping
- 9 Layers ( Ground, Mask, MaskAnim, Mask2, Mask2Anim, Fringe, FringeAnim, Fringe2, Fringe2Anim)
- New Attributes: Scripted, Sign, Mine, Fishing, Bank, Door and Sprite Change.
- Can Select multiple tiles at once
- (Currently unfinished) Multiple Tile Sets (Not the way Elysium does it)
- Check for Indoors, (So it can't be nighttime indoors)
- Floors (basically the same thing as MapName, but it'll be used such as; F1, F2, B1, B2 etc.)
- Shops
- Nothing changed to the way shops are, besides the ingame gui etc.
- Haven't decided what to do, deff gonna change to Visual Item Blitting though.
- Spells
- Not much changed to spells either.
- Visual Animations
- Set MP Required, Set Required Level, and Class
- Sounds
- Quests
- Pretty sweet, don't wanna get too much in detail.
- Objectives; Find Item or KillNpc
- Rewards; Items, Gold or Experience[/spoiler]
This is only a basic list as I am listing the features off of memory without my source open. I promise there is more.
My Name is John (I've also gone by Tallen, Quake, Forte and Red) I've been around MS for about 2-3 years now. None of you here know me besides Sonire really. I sort of lurk around (fear of not being accepted by everyone :roll: ) I try to post every now and then to help the community out and express my opinion and just be part of things.
I've been working on this project (On and Off) for about 3 months now. Been working with VB for about 2 years. Didn't learn anything from the first year since all I did were C/P. I've actually learned alot of the past few months. Been working on my own features which stared from manipulating already existing features, and well now here I am!
Game Aspects:
Plot/Gameplay/Ideas: The plot hasn't been decided yet since there isn't a story written yet. I do plan on making the game play along the lines of a ORPG/Dungeon Crawler. The way I aim for my game play to be is somewhat of a mixture between Golden Sun and some aspects of Zelda: 4S/LTTP. Anyone who has played a Golden Sun (GBA) game will know the style of game i like. I want the game like to be an old style Zelda dungeon crawler. Tackling obstacles, puzzles and enemies to gain access to new areas. (Making very good use of the Key system already implemented) Players will travel through dungeons with other players, or alone to unravel the storyline of the game. I wanna make the main target of the game, cooperation. Cooperating with friends shall be the only way to beat certain levels. Such as a dungeon with a party system. You'll need more than 1 player to beat the amount of enemies within the given time. Or you'll need one player to stand on a switch while an archer shoots at another. Many possibilities.
Graphics: I aim for the graphics to be similar to the cute look of Golden Sun. http://images.eurogamer.net/assets/artic..._med_2.jpg Graphics will be a huge impact. Visual Spell Animations as well as sounds will bring the game to life!
Mapping: Mapping will be done by me unless I find people willing to map. Maps are pretty big, and will be seamless scrolling. By the time i'm done working on them.
Base Source: MS 3.0.3
Programmer: Myself
GFX Artist: Looking to Help!
WebMaster: Looking to Help!
Writer: Looking to Help!
Musician(Does Sounds too): Looking to Help!
Quick Note to the Coders of Mirage Source;
Many features I have added over the course of working on this project were contributed from many of the members of the MS community. I'm afraid it would take long to give credit to them all while listing the features (I will list as many as i remember) but for the others i couldn't, Thank you for your resources, this project would be nothing without all you!

Player Side Features:
- Visual Spells
- 16x32 Sprites, 16x16 Tiles, 64x64 Npcs
- Day/Night System using Alphablending
- Destroyable Tiles (ex. breaking down a stone to clear a path)
- Quest System
- Email required upon account creation (is checked for actual email)
- Simple Customization (Head and Body only)
- Face System (Players are assigned Faces corresponding to what head they choose)(Face system is used for talking to NPC's)
- Face System (NPC's)(NPC's are assigned face's aswell, used for when a player is chatting with an NPC)
- Player to player trading
- Block Pushing system (Credit to Ambientiger)
- Advanced Walking system
Admin Side Feautres:
- Quest Editor
- Advanced Admin Control Panel
- Right Click Warping for easy access to any area if nessecary[spoiler]- Items:
- Item Rarity (1-5)
- Equipable Bonuses (Add Strength, Speed etc.)
- Item Description
- Can attach quest to Npc
- Can attach speech to Npc
- Set NPC HP and Experience
- Set NPC Face
- Set NPC SpriteSize
- Removed Speed and Magic
- Movement Frequency (Credit to Dugor)
- Map Editing changed for easier mapping
- 9 Layers ( Ground, Mask, MaskAnim, Mask2, Mask2Anim, Fringe, FringeAnim, Fringe2, Fringe2Anim)
- New Attributes: Scripted, Sign, Mine, Fishing, Bank, Door and Sprite Change.
- Can Select multiple tiles at once
- (Currently unfinished) Multiple Tile Sets (Not the way Elysium does it)
- Check for Indoors, (So it can't be nighttime indoors)
- Floors (basically the same thing as MapName, but it'll be used such as; F1, F2, B1, B2 etc.)
- Shops
- Nothing changed to the way shops are, besides the ingame gui etc.
- Haven't decided what to do, deff gonna change to Visual Item Blitting though.
- Spells
- Not much changed to spells either.
- Visual Animations
- Set MP Required, Set Required Level, and Class
- Sounds
- Quests
- Pretty sweet, don't wanna get too much in detail.
- Objectives; Find Item or KillNpc
- Rewards; Items, Gold or Experience[/spoiler]
This is only a basic list as I am listing the features off of memory without my source open. I promise there is more.