Okay. I have just set up the server. Created account, character. Woo! Time to log in!
UH! Error!? I get an error. Click debug. It's hi-lighting this:
Sub InitDirectX()
' Initialize direct draw
> Set DD = DX.DirectDrawCreate("")
' Indicate windows mode application
Call DD.SetCooperativeLevel(frmMirage.hWnd, DDSCL_NORMAL)
What do I do??? (it's for build 3.03)
I used what you gave me and when I log in it gives me an error then hi-lights the first "Public"
any ideas?
This is bad...
Set DD = DX.DirectDrawCreate(vbNullString)
is hi-lighted
ROFL..i dont get it...but yes, dim works
Install directX you flamp.
Yea. I figured it out..I have to register the directx7 DLL..and I didn't add any tutorials, 3.0.3 came this way.
Hmm..Okay. When I get back, I'll redownload...but I also think I know what happened just by thinking about it. I downloaded 3.0.3 before, added a bunch of tutorials, then messed it up the same way. I deleted it, sending it to the recycling bin, download all versions, trying them out, deleted them.now when I redownloaded 3.0.3, it opened the tutorial infested one. So, I gotta permanently delete all of them, restart, then redownload. ^^
I don't think he has dx7 installed, When I saw he had written vbnullstring in a later post I was going to mention it but Robin beat me too it ^_^
And Dave, certain things don't like vbnullstring - dunno why, guessing because "" is actually a physical null string, and vbnullstring is just 'I am nothing don't bother even trying to address me in memory' or something similar?