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Custom Msg Box
Allright, Im trying to make a custom msgbox, The basic one is ugly as, well you know.

So I made a form, Added a lable and a button, Wahoo. Now, the sub;

Public Sub MsgBox(Msg As String)
          frmMsgBox.Visible = True
          Msg = frmMsgBox.MsgLabel.Caption
End Sub

So basicly, this is called,
Call MsgBox("Bound Item ; This Item may not be dropped nor traded.")

The Box will pop up, set the label and you can click ok to close it.

Yet. It dosn't work Someone wanna let me know why?
I think...
Msg = frmMsgBox.MsgLabel.Caption
should be
frmMsgBox.MsgLabel.Caption = Msg
Dragoons Master Wrote:I think...
Msg = frmMsgBox.MsgLabel.Caption
should be
frmMsgBox.MsgLabel.Caption = Msg

Aw, Such an easy fix. Thanks!
It happens hehehe.
Yeah, lblCaption would've been nothing and your just

setting the variable Msg to what lblCaption would be.

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