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Dumbasses from Ody Online
Ref: ... nc,fb_pdf/

1. yes we know Consty released the Ody source code on his AOL site, years ago.
2. Mirage is not made from the Ody source code
3. Everybody point and laugh at the idiots on Ody Classic.
Hahaha fail...I like how they think Consty is such an ass.
Have you posted and told them Odyssey is not anywhere near MS?
Not to jump on the bandwagon being a newb and all, but wow those guys are fucking stupid. The last post was the best though, I don't know if I'm the dark but I doubt Windows' source code is something you can just take and build shit off of.
The people from Ody have never been known for their high intelligence.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
I didn't read the PDF... But...

I can see how some people may think Consty created Mirage from the Odyssey source. It's quite similar in a lot of ways.
Posted by Koovo - 2009/03/12 09:06
Is Odyssey Online Classic related to multiplayer online role-playing game (MORPG) creation engines like Playerworlds
or Elysium? I heard from one developer that a man by the name of Chris Kremer, aka Consty, made a game inspired
from Odyssey titled Mirage Realms. I’m curious because a community has emerged over the years birthed from Mirage
altered as an MORPG engine. What is the history behind this game (Odyssey)? Is it part of the MORPG scene?
As for the acronym, a multiplayer online role-playing game is a much smaller version of an MMORPG. Sometimes these
games are described as being an online role-playing game (ORPG), but I think this term is too generalized. Any RPG
can be online such as a play-by-post RPG forum.
Posted by Luck - 2009/03/13 06:33
I remember someone once talking to me about this. I think they said that the Playerworlds or Mirage engine was based
off of the Odyssey source. Or something like this. There aren't too many people around that would know much about this
topic. Remote most likely knows more.
Posted by Koovo - 2009/05/08 00:12
Bump it up! Where is remote?
Posted by Wilbur - 2009/07/20 17:25
If I recall correctly, Consty is a BASTARD who stole the Ody source and then put out mirage and was a complete ASS.
At least Zer made Faldon from scratch.
Posted by remote - 2009/07/21 11:14
Yeah Mirage was based off the Odyssey source and so was playerworlds. This is why they share many similarities,
although they have got much different as time has passed.
Posted by Koovo - 2009/07/21 14:38
Cool. Thanks for clearing that up. One more thing, where did Odyssey come from?
Posted by Wilbur - 2009/07/21 21:11
Maybe u want Mote's reply, but the basics are it was created from scratch by a HS student back in the later 90's. He
went by Bugaboo, and he ROCKED. But he got it all going pretty simply and then got considerable help along the way
Odyssey Classic - The Odyssey Online Classic
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Generated: 2 October, 2009, 21:34
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over the years concerning every aspect of the game.
This Ody (Remotes) although certainly retains much of what Ody became, it's (imho) like 70+%
different/improved/updated/coded. Bob would know better about this, and might very well say it's 95% improved coding,
and could be Tongue. Nobody ever did what Bob has done for the history of Ody and keeping it going. I consider this Bob's
game outright these days, and he deserves respect for it.
Lastly, and my memory is crap these days (I'm a bit old, remember?)... Mirage truly stole/used much of Ody's code and
to me was complete robbery back in the day (still would be). I don't care what Consty did during his time with original
Ody, but he certainly shouldn't have done what he did. Playerworlds although I believe got ideas from Ody, and stole
sprites and other such things (as Mirage did much more of), was not outright stolen, but who knows. All three were done
in VB 5-6+ back in the day I believe, hence other similarities.
I'm sure other online MMPOGs or wutever u want to call them still exist, but Ody was one of the earliest to do so
successfully in VB and have a decent following.
Posted by remote - 2009/07/22 11:42
There is still a lot of Bugaboo's code left in the game for sure. I would say 50-60% of it has been redone, but his
influence is definitely still in the code.
I have tried to keep what makes Odyssey fun in the code, while also trying new things and innovating and keeping it up
to date with the times (as much as can be done with a 2d game). A lot of what we have tried has worked and a lot of it
hasn't. It's always an ongoing challenge, but it's a lot of fun and it's always improving.
Posted by Koovo - 2009/07/22 19:55
Are you guys absolutely sure Consty stole the code? Remote isn't saying different, but I want to be certain. One more
thing, is Odyssey programmed in Visual Basic 6 and will it eventually be recoded in VB.Net? Some of the MORPG
engines are moving in that direction.
Posted by Pures Lawyer - 2009/07/22 20:34
Well, odyssey is all original code so what does that tell you, they either stole it or didn't, odyssey didn't copy them.
Posted by Wilbur - 2009/07/23 05:14
Not my place to get into any business aspects here Smile
But if I happened to see Kris Creamer in rl, I'd leave some permanent damage. But that applies to many in Ody Tongue
"Based on source"..... I'm working on a new OS, it's based on Windows source code. Care to join my startup?
Odyssey Classic - The Odyssey Online Classic
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Generated: 2 October, 2009, 21:34[/spoiler]

There, non pdf. Big Grin
Um, in his defense, the last post was a joke.
Really I thought he actually had the source for Windows....

Not in his defense, that joke was proof Darwinism is failing.
I went on the game, started a huge fight about it and left. >.>
One of the developers looks actually quite talented, on his blog he's messing with openGL alphablending and things. I'm assuming he isn't still using vb6, but it looks like he's doing it all on his own.
I can see where the confusion comes from... Consty didn't steal odyssey code but he made an odyssey clone. Odyssey isn't a bad engine, the networking and scripting portions are surprisingly robust making the players experience less laggy than most mirage engines. The community is dumb because they are all players.

Funny thing about this thread... The current owner of odyssey (remote/battlebob) was the first person to release odyssey source code & is known for hacking bugaboo's servers. New players just don't know the history.
I dont think they get that code cannot be stolen unless its a given.

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