01-10-2009, 06:21 AM
Robin Wrote:Matt Wrote:Doug Wrote:Show something new and interesting.. take notes from what Robin does. What he shows is quite unusual from the things people post up about their games but yours show the usual. Bleh.
Uh? I don't see any games with the shit I have. I can't exactly show my job system, first off. The grade system is unique. If you think Robin is so awesome, that's cool, but nobody here gives a fuck if you're sucking his dick you fucking brown noser.
I fucking care if he's sucking my dick. Who is he?
[EDIT] Flame bait ONE more time and you'll be happily banned for 3 days. - Matt
My point was. What the hell is so unique about those screenshots? Theres nothing interesting.. and youve posted stuff like that multiple times.. a pop up box that shows item statistics?.. how many times have youve been there?