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MSCPP Beta 0.1
I'm back working on the MSECPP project, to have MSE into C++.
Take a look at this, what do you think?
I have the basic loading working right now and I'm re-developing my WinSock classes to easily send data.
It will look a lot like MSE2.32(yes, I'm following it and I'll make it with all the bug fixes we've found), but I'm actually making only server side.

Just finished my winsock class. Now it can connects to a basic software, just for test ^^ Well, actually it loads everything from ini files, the start listening the port. It's all threaded and synchronous ^^.
I'm having one problem. The only major thing that I'll change is the data packet mode. I really like strings, but they are way slow... So I'll use it just like in my game, I'm handling byte arrays. But I actually have no Vanilla MS client w/ byte arrays and that will take a long time to develop... Does any body have this? Tnx in advance.

Updated the Class Diagram a lot.

Big Grin Done converting! Big Grin
Well. Just to remember it is not usable, I finished the CONVERSION, so all the lines are translated to C++, but there are still a few logic stuff that I still need to remake, and a few things on the newer versions that I need to change. WARNING: This is NOT a release yet, it is just a preview, since I have the code and it compiles, but does NOT work yet.
I'll basically release this so you guys can help me out, because I can't make this chit to work xD
Somehow there is happening a damn memory error client side, so the damn VB6 closes...
Yes, the client is a changed MSE2.x(not fully conversed, I think) that I'm changing to work with this server in C++.
If anybody can solve this damn problem I'll thank you a LOT, I really want this to be fully working.
Maybe there are a few packet sizes wrong since I made this very quick, to finish it yet on my vacations.
Remember, this was made in Visual Studio Team 2008, C++.
Version 0.1Beta.
EDIT: Just to make sure, I THINK any project made in Visual Studio Team will work at Express, but I'm not sure. Can anybody test? Tnx a lot

Updated the class diagram with the same as the released.

Changed the name to MSCPP, and not MSECPP and moved the topic to a new board Big Grin
Just re-uploaded the files with a few commentaries and a printable header that shows when loading. Also improved the server side command handling, adding a few more commands.
Any body interested?
Im pretty interested, although I can't help you with the byte arrays. Im planning an engine in c++ but im still learning the language first. I'll be following your progress Tongue
Hehehe, I'm still editing it a lot.
Just finished socket thread's synchronizing Big Grin
Hell job xD
Well, now I'm making the GameAI.
By the end of this month I think I'll have it done. Big Grin
Just edited the class diagram a looooooooot! Now it's much better. Almost done. The code it self is almost good to be released. Maybe 3 more days if I waste a lot of time with it ^^.
What program do you use to make the diagram?
Microsoft Visio.

UPDATE: It's connecting and creating accounts/chars now Big Grin
I think 2 more days it will be done Big Grin
dragoons you should im me
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:dragoons you should im me


He's not dead? O.o
Grim's been around. He's on MSN a lot.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:Grim's been around. He's on MSN a lot.

I meant on the forums. *shakes head*

I know he's on MSN. I see him when I randomly login.
Perfekt Wrote:
Robin Wrote:Grim's been around. He's on MSN a lot.

I meant on the forums. *shakes head*

I know he's on MSN. I see him when I randomly login.

Yeah, speaking of which you need to get on GTalk more.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:
Perfekt Wrote:
Robin Wrote:Grim's been around. He's on MSN a lot.

I meant on the forums. *shakes head*

I know he's on MSN. I see him when I randomly login.

Yeah, speaking of which you need to get on GTalk more.

*sets it to load with windows* Problem solved. Tongue
it loads with windows and pisses me off >.<

university is a bitch
grimsk8ter11 Wrote:it loads with windows and pisses me off >.<

university is a bitch

I have no choice. If I don't let it load with windows, I won't remember to load it. >.<

Bad memory FTL.
Indeed this sounds interesting, just ask and I can setup a board for you if you wish.
I'm reeeealy busy on the last days. Just came back from a trip to the beach and tomorrow I'll need to go 400km away from where I live just to speak at a university for 2:30 about XNA >
Bah, I wish my class diagrams were that small and simple. Sad
Big Grin
Back to work now ^^
I think that by the end of the week it will be done. If not, it will take a while since I'll need to go back to college's town Cry
Released, but read main post.
I'm gonna DL it, I'm super curious to see what C++ is like, not sure if I'll be any help though Sad
Any help with this damn vb6 memory bug is appreciated ^^ Txn

Just re-uploaded the files with a few commentaries and a printable header that shows when loading. Also improved the server side command handling, adding a few more commands.
Yup, simply conversion xD
I think this is more like a good way for people who wants to learn C++, to learn it. If they know the code in VB6, they'll surely understand it in this conversion. The only "complicated" things here are the inheritances, but they just make the code cleaner simpler. I think you have to agree with me at this point xD
Hey Dragoon, when you get this more thoroughly working in full 2d I will send you my code, from a scraped engine I was writting in C++ I made 2 different versions, one with 2d characters on 3d backgrounds and the other one was like FF7 - 9 prerendered 2d backgrounds with 3d characters, but it is not MS based at all so there would be some major conversion needed.

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