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I think it would be much cooler if MS was Java(Web Based) My java knowledge is very limited.. but i think it'd be much cooler.
hehe 8)
Or multi-platform. VB6 is windows only and it's weak.
vb6 is only windows only if you use microsoft's compiler. if you use realbasic it'll work for windows/linux/mac
I'm workin on portin the client to java, we'll see if I finish it xD.

All I have done right now is saving maps, new accounts, deleting accounts, loging in, creating chars, and using chars.

The look of it is kinda hideous though, I'll make it look better later.
Imo, Java sucks. Anything and everything java, just seriously lags my computer, so I stear clear of it. Sides, far as I know, java is VERY easy to hack, and anyone can steal the source. I mean, far as I know of anyways.
Yea, I think the second part is true atleast. It helps me learn the language a little better though Tongue
Javba is a build it on all computers as a virtual machine, it runs so slow because it porcesses at runtime, but it doesnt actualyl go noticably slow, except when your VM is screwed upa nd eating memory.

Java has no need for runtimes, its built in to all computers, just like c++

I am hoping to make my server port compatible with mis java port, vbecuase hes doing the client, and im doing the server first. but it really amkes more sense the other way around, but we are weird like that.

and he is right, ti helps you learn the language better, i learned all of VB through MS, but better coding practices i learned elsewhere :-p
make sure you change your end char to 10 xD.
10=line end char, which is usefull for me so I can use default functions like readLine and println and such Tongue.
lol so end_char is chr(10) got it.
port it to flash i was playing on a fso based engine an it had like 200 people there was no lag

(it was a flash executeable so you run it off your desktop)
But I don't know flash xD.
Flash is quite easy to learn, its more like scripting, it may be scripting language, i dont know
FSO was made with DirectorX and trust me, i own the code for about every FSOP game amd eincluding Terraworld, its NOT wasily made at all, thats why no one makes them xD.

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