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VB Mario Contest
omg very very nice lol...
Anyone else got anything to show? Any more progress, William?
I havn't done anything more on my platform game yet. But I'll fix it up later on. It's still some time left Tongue
Okay heres my final submission:

I know it doesn't look too great, but its kinda hard to show off everything, so I'll just list some stuff that probably wasn't reflected so well:
- MMO-style: Account server, game server, backed with MySQL database, multiple user support, etc etc
- Items: Drop, pick up, wear, see their stats, etc... all but buy and sell them
- NPCs: They can jump, fight, move and die, and thats about it
- Graphics: DirectX 8, custom rendered font, 10 parallax-scrolling backgrounds, particle engine, easy animation support for most everything (fighting, moving, items, windows, etc), 2 tile layers (behind and in front of characters), item grabbing and fading (when they are removed from the map) effects
- Networking: Slightly modified GOREsock backbone (TCP async sockets), decent bandwidth usage (~700 bytes/sec upload and ~50 bytes/sec download for server for that demo with 200-or-so NPCs), will be less when I make NPCs not actively moving when a user isn't in view
- Shared slightly OO code: Designed with much more of an "engine" structure, with many modules shared between multiple projects (like graphics between the map editor and client) to make it easy to update
- Windows: All the windows have their own class, and are much easier but equally as flexible as those from vbGORE (if any of you have tried working with those windows, it can be pretty tough at first)
- Encryption and compression: Uses the encryption and compression modules from vbGORE, many of the client's game files (graphics, item information, NPC information, etc) support an "e" appended on their suffix, which stands for it being encrypted, which is automatically done with a little tool program. If the unencrypted version is there, that is used (since its faster), but if not, then it looks for the encrypted version. Most encryption is done with Twofish encryption. Also encryption on the packets (though thats a part of GOREsock).
- RAM conservation: On the server, the maps and all the stuff on them are unloaded from memory after not being used for a while, and loaded back into memory automatically when needed. On the client, this is done with sound effect templates, graphics, etc.
- Sounds and music: Support for .mp3s and .wavs through DirectX. Each map can have a song. Multiple copies of each sound can be played at once instead of just restarting it, like vbGORE does.

Well... for all the work I've put into this (~110 hours), it sure sounds a lot less impressive looking back at it.
What can I say, you win Wink I was hoping more people would join, but everybody is just too lazy.
No, too busy.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:No, too busy.
I didn't ask you to join. So your answer is a little odd.
I'm saying it's not because people are lazy, just busy.
Why aren't maps and shit loaded up in a dynamic array?
the 4 people that know how are lazy
Who are those 4 people?
you, me, and 2 others?
Robin Wrote:I'm saying it's not because people are lazy, just busy.
Yeah, I guess so.
So, Spodi, when do we get to play it? Who'd you make it for, by the way? Big Grin
Robin Wrote:No, too busy.
can I try? what do i have to do?

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