I have a few ideas for it and just wanted your opinions.
There are two major methods for ranged weapons.
a) Fire and Hope
This method, is when you fire the arrow and hope the npc or player doesn't move out of the way before it hits. This would require more skill, but in PVP would prolly be useless.
b) Target and Fire
This method, you target the npc or player and fire the arrow, much like the spell system.
An addon question for the system. Should I make players buy arrows and use their own source or should they be infinite? Forcing them to buy arrows, would allow for arrow crafting later in the game and such.
I honestly prefer method A, and I'm sure there are methods to alter the speed of the damaging projectile depending on the weapon type. For instance, a crossbow bolt would generally be shot faster than an arrow. By having faster attacks with a ranged weapon, you can increase the chance of your target not being able to dodge in time--typically at slightly less damage in order to balance it out.
Having players supply their own ammunition might drive a few people batty, but there are pros and cons to everything.
True. Perhaps for those who do go with plan A, a system of "traps" could be used to temporarily bind a target in place, or to just force them to think for a few seconds on a way to maneuver out of the trap without getting harmed. Either way, those few seconds can make or break the difference in how much damage a Ranger could do to a foe.
Or to get complex, a set of ranger spells that include things like freeze, bind, confuse, stun or what have you. Or even a spellt hat implements type B for a set amount of time.
Matt, you fail to take into account the use of kiting.
For those of you who don't know, kiting is when a range'd unit run's away from a melee unit and attacks. It seems like it would be harder to hit a player with a melee unit then a ranged unit, because people can simply run away from melee units. Personally, melee should have the slow down spells.
I would give you rf's arrow code, but I think I am pretty sure I lost it after I converted it to dx8.
I'd say use method B. Have the projectile always travel directly to your target.
As for your last question, I'd say make them buy projectiles separately. You can't really operate a bow and a shield at the same time, so I would have the arrows equip to the shield slot.
You'd have to be pretty badass to block with a shield while readying a bow in your hands, so yeah, makes sense.
Dragoons Master
I have bow+arrows implemented in B way. It's really cool. Good luck!