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I would like to get some ideas on how the pvp in ms could be made more fun. Arrows and sword cant be changed much, and it feels like much cant be done to spells either.
Although you guys might have some cool ideas?
maybe a more action-driven set?
Like a block skill that weakens a blow around....
AoE skills
Maybe during a fight the movement is restricted a bit, so people cant be running in circles firing off spells left and right, but still enough to allow some form of kiting.
Depends on what you mean by more fun.
You could make the "ACT" of pkilling more fun by:
1. More sprites per character.
2. Different attack options, maybe using the key pad for combat. You could have swipe, parry lunge, dodge, etc.
3. Spells that cause more than just damage or healing. (I haven't checked out your game yet.) Such as paralyze, poison, curse, blah blah blah limitless.
4. Adding intense midi sounds while fighting players. (minor idea)
You could make the "RESULT" of pkilling more fun by:
1. Recording kill/death numbers.
2. Rewarding experience from pking. (Balance it with a system that prevents exp abuse.)
3. Have a weapon that gains more powerful the more players u kill.
4. If you have quests, incorporate killings players with titles into the quest system. (Maybe your quest as an assassin must kill a clan leader or whatever.)
5. You could have have an option where players can just knock out other players, rather than
kill them.
6. An option to place players in jail after they knock them out.
7. Magic-users could capture pked player's soul, and until the magic user logs of or is killed
the player with less than a soul is MUCH weaker.
I dunno just a bunch of random ideas.
-Shaded Kainest -
shaded Wrote:You could make the "RESULT" of pkilling more fun by:
3. Have a weapon that gains more powerful the more players u kill.
6. An option to place players in jail after they knock them out.
7. Magic-users could capture pked player's soul, and until the magic user logs of or is killed
the player with less than a soul is MUCH weaker. Very very very bad.
3. Unbalanced. An experienced PK could dominate a maxed out goody-two-shoes this way.
6. A jail system is for rule-breakers, pking is an act completely within the parameters of the game. Its in fact what is trying to be boosted.
7. Again, unbalanced. That makes a mage the most powerful character-type in the game, to be able to excessively weaken a player for the duration that they are online.
*sigh* The lack of your imagination bores me.....
Ok I just began to write explanations for your arguments, but realized I am going to waste my own time to maybe broaden your horizons. If you can't understand that virtually anything can be balanced and work in a game, then that is your own short-coming.
-Shaded Kainest-
Posts: 2,605
Threads: 412
Joined: Nov 2021
You have some pretty good ideas, thanks.
shaded Wrote:*sigh* The lack of your imagination bores me.....
Ok I just began to write explanations for your arguments, but realized I am going to waste my own time to maybe broaden your horizons. If you can't understand that virtually anything can be balanced and work in a game, then that is your own short-coming.
-Shaded Kainest- Thank you for your insult.
Now, of course anything can be balanced in a game. This is what nerf's are. But what you dont seem to think about is that many commercial games(read: Square Enix, for example) have tried to implement major boosts like that to gameplay, only to have months of whining from customers that are on the recieving end of those downsides. Not to mention that after they finally fix the balance issue(note: many months of nerfs and boosts in trial and error, with a large team of developers working on the project) they have to deal with the whines of the players that benefitted from it, and the many many bugs that come along with any new patch.
It is more useful to not make radical changes in gameplay like that.
The soul one was the worst, even if it only made you 5% weaker, it's not fair that some PA can kill me, and then stay online for God knows how long, and I have to suffer for it, just because he has no life.
Ok so you make the duration based on time. Maybe even the player that is killed loses nothing.
None of that matters. You guys are arguing worthless points that are void of any meaning. There are billions of ways to make ANYTHING work.
Plus most of my example were more for inspiration maybe to spark an idea. Why would you EVEN argue with something like that. Instead of posting some ideas, you guys are wasting EVERYONE'S time. Obviously there is no concrete way I can list ideas that would work perfectly into another person's game. Unless I worked directly with William, all I can do is toss out some ideas.
The Horrible Weapon Idea That Gains Power When It Pkills
Ok so William adds a weapon that randomly increases in damage or power or durability every time the player kills another player. Maybe 10% of the time after killing a player +/- 10 levels from the weapon wielder, the weapon gains +1% damage. The weapon can break and be looted. So if some bad ass pkiller spends all their time making a powerful weapon that they NEED to put themselves in dangerous situations EVERY TIME to obtain; it's not so powerful.
Allow the player to name the weapon. You get this kewl sword you get to name, and build up the powers. After about 10 successful pkills you have +1% damage. Roughly after 100 kills you would have 10% damage. Or maybe +5% hit chance, +2% durability, +3% damage.
But remember this weapon you created can be looted.
If for some reason you feel the numbers are off....change them.
Your master pkiller MIGHT kill some noobs would good equipment. But he is going to do that anyways. This would make pkilling fun. Give you reason to hunt down the enemy while building a custom weapon with it. Maybe call them spirit blades or such. Allow a certain class to do this only? Or all classes.
The Jail Idea That Makes No Sense, Cause That Is Only Allowed For Law Code (read mmorpg rule book)
Ok you have different nations or clans that are rivals. Instead of killing players, you knock them out. You must then bind them or shackle them. Then walk back to your dungeon that resides in your base. But while walking you move at 1/2 movement rate (and the enemy can be alerted that someone as been captured). Once you lock them up in the dungeon, a player must be at all times standing on a designated square to keep the player(s) locked up.
Of course other features would be needed to make it fair and not boring. Maybe the ability to swap prisoners from both sides (exchange). Or ways to break them out of jail. Or pay for their release.
The Soul Idea
You have a necromancer class or even just wizards, whatever. They must cast the spell when the player is at 5% or less hp(when they are on the verge of death). There is also a saving throw or some sort of defense to it. If it fails then; normal death. If it succeeds which could be a fairly hard feat. The wizard will capture part of their soul. This will give them a slight increase to magic power or hp; whichever you want. The player who died is cursed. They have a slight penalty to saves and hit chance, or whatever you want the small curse to be. This cannot be stacked. Ways to remove this. Kill the wizard, wizard logs off, or the duration of the spell wears off, or find a powerful wizard to remove the curse(which removes the power from the wizard who stole part of the soul).
Most of these can be altered or not used to fit the style or the power needed.
The sword idea just makes a PvP equivalent of Grinding. It sucks so hard to be that new player than every high level preys on, and that's in games that usually offer a penalty for PvP, offering an incentive is just gonna make people want to PvP the weaker players, I suppose you could consider that making PvP more fun.. but it just seems like Stat farming and grinding to me.
Dunno why you gotta be such a bastard about it though, you can make it all work, but it's just making everything worse.
If I log in, and get PKed, and have to sit in a fucking dungeon for God knows how long, I'm gonna be canceling my subscription, and never playing that game again. I dunno about you, but I don't enjoy not being able to play a game.
Once again, the soul Idea is jsut going to make people mad, is it fair? yes, duration and all that is fine, in essence its perfectly balanced, but all the same, it's going to make people mad, and pissing off your player base isn't gonna help anything.
All those simply give Power Abusers and griefers even -more- ability to piss off the casual gamer.
I kind found the "devoid of any meaning" comment kinda funny however, since we were arguing your points.. and you called them meaningless.
EDIT: Just saw the Wasting time comment, Maybe we're wasting yours, it doesn't matter, you offered ideas to William, who is asking how to make his game more fun, you put up points, and I'm saying why he shouldn't add them. which is what he's asking for.
Are you retarded?
Did you even read my post? Make it so the sword ONLY gains in strength to players that are higher level than you.
So you suggest that players don't loose loot when they get pkilled? Cause that is much more harsh than anything I suggested. I have played games where I would LOVE to have had a curse opposed to loosing all my equipment.
Or do you like the pkill games where you pkill and no one looses anything. And no one gains anything.
Why don't you post something useful? I am sure William is able to make a choice weather something I posted would work for him or not. He doesn't need someone as ignorant as you to even speak.
Oh I must comment on the soul idea not being fair.
You better stay out of games where you get any sort of ailment. I mean imagine someone casting poison on you? You'd be that little girl that would cry, whining that it was unfair. You had NOTHING to remove it. You had to wait for the DURATION to wear off.
If you read you own post, you wrote +- 10 Levels, not only higher.
Also yes, in all my games the first thing I took out was the 100% Equip drop.
I hate PKing in general, maybe it's because I played tibia for a few years, and you get tired of having Brazilian account sharers pwn you for reason, much less killing you for a 10% change to kill you even better the next time.
Not entirely sure why you're such an asshole, but to each his own. you remind me alot of Shades from PW (Not only in name) everyone hated that guy, we still make fun of him.
Personally, I like the soul Idea, I said it was entirely feasible, I'm saying that a majority of people would hate it. I've seen similar ideas pitched for many, many games, it never gets good responses, and if 60% of a base hates it, that's 60% that's going to cause you grief, or 60% you wont get playing your game.
People like you are why I'm an Atheist.
So why don't you post some ideas? Master.
How would you make PKING more fun.
Sorry if I seemed like a dick, but I was only reply to a dick. I thought you'd understand me better.
Quote:So why don't you post some ideas? Master.
How would you make PKING more fun.
Sorry if I seemed like a dick, but I was only reply to a dick. I thought you'd understand me better.
We're posting why and why not your points would be workable, or not.
The fact that you're getting so defensive about the posts is your own fault.
Tbh I nolonger care what you post, or what you think about it. Your ability to take a single thread and ruin your reputation astonishes me.
Get out of here.
I've always liked that style system. Also, making the player an outlaw. Maybe have the guards shout and alert other players. You could have players that sign up to become law enforcers. When an npc spots an outlaw it will send you a message stating where abouts they saw them.
Make weapons do more than one animated attack
make spells shoot like arrows
block/freinds/chat program
jukebox player
"ability to not have to click to keep attacking. hurts my hand lol"
You can't click to attack. o.O
oh yai i forgot i added that to my game opps well ability to not have to keep pressing what ever button you or anyone else has there attack set to. covers it all
You.. don't. In MSE you just hold the button down to keep attacking..
I changed mine to just use the mouse for just about everything=lazier plaers lol.better than the old way just need to make a timer to auto attack the npc till its dead or im dead oh wait they got on in elysium. Skips away....
genusis Wrote:I changed mine to just use the mouse for just about everything=lazier plaers lol.better than the old way just need to make a timer to auto attack the npc till its dead or im dead oh wait they got on in elysium. Skips away....
You're game is going to fail. You must have like 40 timers in your game. Horrible method.
But.. clicking on the NPC... requires more work than holding down Ctrl.
You don't have to aim.. also NPCs are fairly hard to click on unless you add a semi-AoE style click, ever try targeting a moving NPC in PW?
Ever try targeting one with DM's AI system? They move a lot more now and a lot faster. xD
When I made the guncode for Grave Silence, I made it check +- 1 to X and Y for that reason. It's hard to catch them. >.